Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books I Read in 2024
I’m going to come right out and say it, these may not have been the best books I read in 2024, but they were some that I really enjoyed reading/learning from. I didn’t read as many books as I had expected to in 2024, but I don’t put too much…
Top Ten Tuesday: May Flowers
Today, I’m switching things up a little bit and sharing contemporary romance covers that have flowers on them. I was inspired by Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams which I just finished last week. With a florist as a main character, I thought it was a perfect fit for May…
Top Ten Tuesday: Books All About Trees
Today’s official theme for Top Ten Tuesday is “Covers/Titles with Things Found in Nature” and because there were so many different possibilities, I decided to narrow it down a bit and focus on trees. There are some absolutely amazing nonfiction books for kids out there specifically about tree communication. This…
Top Ten Tuesday: 2024 Contemporary Romance Titles
Today’s a love freebie for Top Ten Tuesday and what a perfect choice for the day before Valentine’s Day. In the past, I’ve highlighted middle grade friendships, first crushes in middle grade books, fun romance reads, and picture books about self-love, and picture books for Valentine’s Day. Today, I’m excited…
Top Ten Tuesday: Quick Kids’ Nonfiction
Today’s theme was quick reads or books to read when time is short and I’ve done a similar book list for middle grade titles, so I wanted to take some time to try something a little different. Today I focused on quick nonfiction reads that I think are not only…
Top Ten Tuesday: New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2023
I spent a lot of time reading contemporary romance titles in 2023 and discovered a bunch of new-to-me authors this past year. I love how easy contemporary romances are to read, you always know the general format and what’s going to happen, but I love discovering new characters and settings.…
Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Books of 2023
Here are just a few of the books I loved this year. I try to keep my Goodreads account updated (it’s super easy when you’re reading on Kindle because they’re linked up!). I read a handful of picture books and a lot of contemporary romance titles, but very few middle…
Top Ten Tuesday: Most Recently Read Books
I don’t often receive a lot of books for the holidays because I’m running out of shelf space and because I work at a library where I borrow most of my books! So instead of sharing my most recent additions to my bookshelf, I’m sharing the books I read most…
Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Fall 2023 To-Read List
Usually, when we get to these posts, I try to promote books coming out that season. But, after finally getting my Etsy shop launched this week, I’m going to be taking it easy and reading the books that make me smile and those right now are contemporary romance titles. So,…
Top Ten Tuesday: Most Recent Books I Finished
I know, I know, this isn’t exactly what this week’s theme is, but I don’t often track the books I haven’t finished. So instead, I chose to highlight the books that I just recently finished, most of which I read over my vacation last week! Since COVID, I’ve been really…