• Activities

    Storytime Theme: Disability Pride Month

    Disability Pride Month Storytime header

    July is Disability Pride Month! So, going along with my goal to provide more diversity in my storytime themes available here on my blog, I’m sharing some great books that celebrate kids with disabilities because I think it’s so important. I’m going to preface this lesson plan and let you…

  • Activities

    Sensory-Friendly Storytime Theme: Things That Go

    I was surprised that I had never done this theme for my sensory storytime as that it’s such a popular theme for storytime.  So, without further ado, here’s my transportation theme for my sensory friendly storytime.  This storytime is done a little differently than my toddler storytimes, geared toward a smaller…

  • Activities

    Sensory-Friendly Storytime: Cars Go Vroom!

    I don’t care who you are or how great your voice is, children definitely respond to singing.  Anytime I do a sing-a-long book, it works like a charm, kids who normally can’t stop moving, stop and pay attention, some start tapping their feet or clapping their hands mimicking the rhythm of the song,…

  • Lifestyle

    Winner of the 2015 BoB!

    I don’t have any clever April Fool’s joke for today, but excitingly the winner of the School Library Journal’s 2015 Battle of the Kids’ Books was announced today!  Drumroll please….. the winner is The Port Chicago 50: Disaster, Mutiny, and the Fight for Civil Rights by Steve Sheinkin.  And of course,…

  • Lifestyle

    Diversity Resources

    There’s a lot of talk about diversity in children’s literature, but it may be difficult to actually find information.  I’ve found a few valuable resources (I’m sure there are a bunch more!) that make finding information a whole lot easier! 1.) We Need Diverse Books An official campaign that began…

  • Activities

    Sensory-Friendly Storytime: Favorites

    I visit 4 classrooms a few times of year at our Intermediate Unit (which for those of you outside of PA – is a state-wide program for young children with disabilities.  In the morning I see a three classrooms and in the afternoon I see four classrooms – each with…

  • Activities

    Sensory-Friendly Storytime Theme: Polka-Dots

    Today I have four storytimes at the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit where children with disabilities go to preschool.  I see a wide range of disabilities, so the best thing for me to do is bring great tried and true storytime books that are interactive and fun!  The kids really loved…

  • Activities

    Sensory Friendly Story Times

    I think I’ve finally got my toddler story time plans finished and my yoga plans as well, now it’s on to planning for the sensory friendly storytimes, both here at the library as well as the outreach classrooms.  As part of grant for the county, we offered 6 sensory friendly…

  • Activities

    Fall Programming Ideas

    Although in our area children do not go back to school until after Labor Day, I’m already hard at work finalizing fall programming dates and times as well as beginning to promote events that are upcoming in September.  Our summer reading program doesn’t even end until the 29th, so we…