• Lists

    Parenting Book List: Sleeping

    Sleeping Parenting Book List header

    Bedtime and sleep are important habits that should be set up early. And while some kids take to a bedtime routine with a quick yawn and snuggle, for others winding down at night can be very difficult. Creating a routine can help kids’ brains understand what’s coming up and what…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Spring 2025 To-Read List

    Top Ten Tuesday

    There are so many books being published and I’m excited to see some of my favorite middle authors are publishing new titles this spring! These are only ten of the titles that are being published over the next few months and if you’re looking for even more great middle grade…

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    Parenting Book List: Potty Training

    Potty Training Header

    Potty training is a huge milestone for kids and caregivers and while some kids take on the challenge quickly and easily, for some kids potty training can be very difficult. In my library, potty training books are some of the most asked for titles in the children’s department. The titles…

  • Lists

    2025 Blogging A to Z April Challenge: Theme Reveal

    Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is almost h ere and I’ve got daffodils poking through my garden beds. Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 10th year participating in…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: YA Mysteries

    Top Ten Tuesday

    Today’s prompt is “Books that Include/Feature [insert your favorite theme or plot device here]” and while I’m intrigued to see what others come up with, I decided to focus on a specific genre rather than theme/plot device. Today I’m sharing some (fairly) new YA mysteries. Like the historical fiction genre,…

  • Lists

    Read Alikes for Stuart Gibbs Fans

    We’ve got a lot of readers in my library who love Stuart Gibbs’s books, especially the Spy School series. Stuart Gibbs is know for creating fun, page-turning stories that are entertaining to read! They are great book to recommend to kids who may be a little reluctant or hesitant to…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Characters That Have Stuck With Me

    Top Ten Tuesday

    While today’s official prompt is “Things Characters Have Said”, I had to adapt it a bit since I am the worst reader when it comes to remembering many details. And if I had tried to find ten things characters have said the list would be extremely disjointed and would have…

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    Parenting Book List: Babysitting

    Babysitting Parenting Book List

    The common phrase, “It takes a village” is so true! I have no idea how parents do these days between full-time jobs, school, extracurriculars, and birthdays parties every weekend, they’re pulled in so many directions! And although my niece and nephew don’t live close enough for me to babysit regularly,…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set In Another Time

    Top Ten Tuesday

    Historical fiction titles have been some of my favorite reads for most of my life. I started reading historical fiction with books like Little House on the Prairie and the American Girl series and now I love to read middle grade and YA titles that expand beyond some of the…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Never Reviewed

    Top Ten Tuesday

    After years of book blogging, I’ve come to the realization that I really don’t like writing book reviews. I don’t necessarily think that I’m a strong enough writer to write quality book reviews and I don’t tend to read carefully enough to take in the details needed for a book…