Blogging A to Z: Zeal
It’s the final day of my Blogging A to Z Challenge for this year! Stop by the blog next week for my wrap-up post with links to every day’s challenge in case you missed one or want to go back and check it out! Today is the letter “Z” and…
Blogging A to Z: Say YES!
As we head toward the end of the alphabet tomorrow, today’s post is probably one of the easiest and hardest tips for the entire month. It’s all about saying YES! When your little one brings a book to you with that light in their eyes, I beg of you, to…
Blogging A to Z: “X” Marks the Spot
Whether it’s the big overstuffed chair that hugs you both, your little one’s bed before they go to sleep, or even the dining room table. It’s important to find a special place that you can use as a reading nook for your little one. A few things to keep in…
Blogging A to Z: Writing
Have you ever seen a child’s artwork with just a row of lines one after the other? Or a row of circles? That’s great! Practicing lines and shapes are the first steps to writing letters! I mean, all letters consist of lines and shapes put together to create each unique…
Blogging A to Z: Vocabulary
Reading introduces kids to words that you don’t use in every day conversation. These are sometimes called “rare” words, words your child may not normally encounter. But, you can easily add rare words into your daily conversations. Think about synonyms – rather than, “Let’s go eat!” try using other words…
Blogging A to Z: Underline
Today’s early literacy tip is an easy one! Use your finger to underline words as you read them. It doesn’t have to be every line of text, just pick out a word or two to underline. This helps kids realize that the illustrations connect with the text. It’s easy to…
Blogging A to Z: Talking
What kind of talking is found most in your home? It is one-sided, directional talking? As in, “Little Billy, go wash your hands for dinner.” Or is it conversation talking? Where you and Little Billy talk back and forth each listening and responding to each other. Both types of talking…
Blogging A to Z: Singing
Very similar to rhyming, singing helps kids hear the smaller sounds of words. Many songs also tell a story teaching kids about narrative skill – how stories work with a beginning, middle, and end. Plus, where else would you ever talk to your kids about a “tuffet” as in “Little…
Blogging A to Z: Rhyming
Probably some of my most favorite books to read aloud – rhyming books! Rhyming books have such great rhythm and really are so much fun to read aloud. Rhyming is a great early literacy tool to practice with PreK kids. The skill of rhyming helps kids to distinguish the different…
Blogging A to Z: Questions
Can you believe we’re already at the letter “Q”? Typically, Q is a hard letter for the Blogging A to Z Challenge, but this year, I knew exactly what to focus on! Questions! When you read aloud to your little one, do you read the book straight through, close it…