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    Books & Cooks Letter G: Ginger


    This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter G and spicy ginger! Spice: Ginger Ginger is an…

  • Lifestyle

    Books & Cooks Letter F: Fenugreek


    This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter F and maple-y fenugreek! Spice: Fenugreek If you’ve ever…

  • Lifestyle

    Books & Cooks Letter E: Everything Bagel


    This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter E and Everything Bagel Seasoning! Spice: Everything Bagel Seasoning…

  • Lifestyle

    Books & Cooks Letter D: Dill


    This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter D and fresh Dill! Spice: Dill I love pickles!…

  • Lifestyle

    Books & Cooks Letter C: Cardamom


    This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter C and warm Cardamom! Spice: Cardamom I would expect…

  • Lifestyle

    Books & Cooks Letter B: Basil


    This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter B and delicious Basil! Spice: Basil There’s something about…

  • Lifestyle

    Books & Cooks Letter A: Adobo


    Today’s April 1st! And I’m rolling from one blogging challenge right into another one. This month I’m participating in my fifth annual Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. Take a look at my previous years’ posts – 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019! This year I’m going to be combining two of my…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 31: So Much More Difficult


    This year’s Slice of Life Challenge took me a lot more effort than last year’s challenge. I think partly because I shared a lot of great stories last year, but also because of everything that’s going on this year. What with working from home, managing staff in turbulent times, the…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 30: Kitchen Thoughts


    Every Sunday, I plan my meals for the week. Over the past few weeks, as we have been sequestered to our home, I have found calm in my kitchen. I know that adding ingredients together (usually) makes for great food. You’ll find me most evenings cooking dinner in the kitchen.…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 29: Memories


    Since I’m now working from home and sitting in my home office every day, I figured I need to make it as comfortable as possible for at least the next week, maybe longer! I hate being cold and sitting still for long periods of time is usually when I’m coldest!…