Books & Cooks Letter G: Ginger
This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter G and spicy ginger! Spice: Ginger Ginger is an…
Books & Cooks Letter F: Fenugreek
This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter F and maple-y fenugreek! Spice: Fenugreek If you’ve ever…
Books & Cooks Letter E: Everything Bagel
This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter E and Everything Bagel Seasoning! Spice: Everything Bagel Seasoning…
Books & Cooks Letter D: Dill
This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter D and fresh Dill! Spice: Dill I love pickles!…
Books & Cooks Letter C: Cardamom
This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter C and warm Cardamom! Spice: Cardamom I would expect…
Books & Cooks Letter B: Basil
This year I’m going to be combining two of my passions – cooking and kid lit for Books & Cooks! I’ll be bringing you great recipes based on spices of the alphabet that pair perfectly with kid lit books! Next up? The letter B and delicious Basil! Spice: Basil There’s something about…
Books & Cooks Letter A: Adobo
Today’s April 1st! And I’m rolling from one blogging challenge right into another one. This month I’m participating in my fifth annual Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. Take a look at my previous years’ posts – 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019! This year I’m going to be combining two of my…
Slice of Life Day 31: So Much More Difficult
This year’s Slice of Life Challenge took me a lot more effort than last year’s challenge. I think partly because I shared a lot of great stories last year, but also because of everything that’s going on this year. What with working from home, managing staff in turbulent times, the…
Slice of Life Day 30: Kitchen Thoughts
Every Sunday, I plan my meals for the week. Over the past few weeks, as we have been sequestered to our home, I have found calm in my kitchen. I know that adding ingredients together (usually) makes for great food. You’ll find me most evenings cooking dinner in the kitchen.…
Slice of Life Day 29: Memories
Since I’m now working from home and sitting in my home office every day, I figured I need to make it as comfortable as possible for at least the next week, maybe longer! I hate being cold and sitting still for long periods of time is usually when I’m coldest!…