• Lists

    2025 Blogging A to Z April Challenge: Theme Reveal

    Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is almost h ere and I’ve got daffodils poking through my garden beds. Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 10th year participating in…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Reflections


    It’s May 1st which means that my ninth year of the Blogging A to Z Challenge is officially over! Thank you to everyone who stopped by. I had record views on my blog this month, and it was really great to see so many comments and new readers! With over…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Zero In

    zero in

    Can you believe it?!?! We made it to the letter “Z”! And I’m taking it easy today with a list of titles that I didn’t get to add anywhere else this month, but I wanted to make sure I made a point of sharing since they are great adventure stories…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Young Adult

    young adult

    Today I want to share a specifically focused book list of young adult adventure titles. And while I’ve sprinkled a few throughout the other lists for this month, many amazing young adult titles are just perfect for adventure readers. These titles are geared toward older kids (typically 13 and up),…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Xenofiction


    Xenofiction is a word that I learned only last year, and it’s the perfect fit for the letter “X” in this challenge! Xenofiction is fictional stories told from the perspective of something or someone who is not human. Often, this can be aliens, but I chose to focus on books…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Winter


    We’re nearing the very end of the alphabet with the letter “W” today. And I thought winter would be the perfect word for today’s challenge. Winter adds an additional layer to adventure stories and these titles are no different. The cold, chill of winter wind, the snowflakes falling, and the…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Verse


    Today I’m sharing novels in verse, to coincide with today’s challenge letter “V”. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, novels in verse are books written in a poetry format rather than your typical paragraphs or prose. And I know, poetry makes people go running for the hills, but I promise…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Universal


    Today’s letter “u” challenge is all about sharing books set around the world – the adventure genre is universal and can be found everywhere. Adventure titles are universal because adventure, survival, going on a journey are all things that people worldwide know. I tried to make sure we had books…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Time Travel

    time travel

    Time travel, for me, brings together two very different genres and, if done correctly, is a wonderful thing! Time travel often combines the science of science fiction with the history of historical fiction. And as someone who isn’t necessarily a big science fiction reader, this is one way I’ll get…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Science Fiction

    science fiction

    I can’t believe we’re heading into the homestretch of this challenge with the letter “S”! Today’s list is full of middle grade and young adult book titles that all fall squarely into the science fiction/adventure genre. Now, like fantasy, science fiction isn’t necessarily my favorite genre. When books reach to…