• Lists

    2025 YA Summer Reads

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    It’s only January and I know it’s a little too early to think about summer reads, but hear me out – May/June will be here before you know it and I think it’s a great idea to get some books on a summer reading goals list soon so that they…

  • Lists

    STEM Board Books for Little Ones

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    Babies and toddlers are naturally curious which is the perfect time to introduce them to all sorts of information, vocabulary, and background knowledge. While I don’t expect to drill babies and toddlers with flash cards and tests, I do think that introducing kids to information about the world around them…

  • Lists

    Fun Read Alouds for Toddlers

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    I am forever hesitant to label any of my blog posts “the best [insert thing here].” I know full well that what I do here is all based on my opinion, so rather than sayin these are the best books for toddlers, I’ll just say they’re some fun books for…

  • Lists

    Contemporary Easy Reader Titles

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    While I’ve got a slew of easy reader book lists on my blog like Fly Guy Read Alikes, Read Alikes for Elephant & Piggie Fans, and Diverse Easy Readers, I know it can be difficult to find those easy reader titles that make kids want to read. And let’s face…

  • Lists

    20 Audiobooks for the Whole Family

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    Summertime is just around the corner and if you’re anything like my family was growing up, we spent a lot of time on road trips! With both my parents being professors, we were lucky to have time to travel during the summer and often spent time visiting family in exciting…

  • Lists

    Books All About the Olympics for Kids

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    Paris will be hosting the Olympic Games in just a few short months and I wanted to share some really great Olympics books for kids that are already out there. You can get started now to be even more inspired by your favorite athletes or learn about a new sport!…

  • Lists

    12 Poetry Books for Kids

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    I think poetry is one of the most feared versions of literature available. And I think there’s a reason for it. As a student in school you learn poetry and you have to find the deeper meaning of the words. Or you have to stand up and recite a memorized…

  • Lists

    15 Diverse Easy Readers

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    Today I’m sharing easy readers. This is a group of books that I don’t often share about but is so vitally important to creating strong readers. Easy readers are geared toward kids from ages 4-7 (with wiggle room as usual) who are beginning to learn how to read. These books…

  • Lists

    9 Cumulative Tales to Share Together

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    I love cumulative tales! They are so fun to read and can be so interactive in storytime (albeit a little long at times). Cumulative tales, also called chain tales are “rhythmic stories with a narration that builds upon itself, adding on and repeating previous information.” (Imagination Soup) As the story…