RIP Beverly Cleary
How lucky are we to have been given the chance to the chance to live in a world with Beverly Cleary? Beverly Cleary was 104 years old when she passed away on March 25, 2021. Can you imagine the generations of kids that got hooked on reading because of her…
Author/Illustrator Spotlight: Leslie Patricelli
If you’re looking for some really great titles for a newborn baby or toddler in your life, you’ve got to check out Leslie Patricelli! Her board books are perfect for little ones! They’re full of big bold colors, simple words and concepts little ones can understand, and they’re a lot…
Black History Month on Instagram
I don’t get a chance to post often to Instagram. Bookstagrammers (people on Instagram posting about books) are so incredibly talented, I feel ridiculous most of the time. But, I’ve done a few Instagram post challenges and you’ll often see my pup, because she’s so cute! This month, I decided…
National Author’s Day
It’s National Author’s Day and the first day of National Novel Writing Month! Double whammy! Wondering how you can celebrate this year? The best way to celebrate National Author’s Day is to support your favorite authors by purchasing their books. Like many other businesses this year, authors have been financially…
Top Ten Tuesday: Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors
What an interesting topic! I’m always curious about author interviews because they often get asked similar questions: Can you tell me a little bit about the book? What is your inspiration? What does a typical day look like? I took a few minutes to scan some websites for more interesting,…
Tune Into Funk & Friends!
Check out this new self-proclaimed “KidLit Late Night Show” hosted by a favorite author of mine, Josh Funk! I’m so excited to check it out! Tune into Funk & Friends beginning Monday, July 13 at 8pm EST! Josh Funk will be talking with friends in the kidlit world and answering…
Kidlit Rally for Black Lives
Kwame Alexander has organized a Kidlit Rally for Black Lives hosted by The Brown Bookshelf. As if I could love him anymore? Organized by Black authors and illustrators, the Brown Bookshelf was “designed to push awareness of the myriad Black voices writing for young readers.” They have some amazing book…
Top Ten Tuesday: Opening Lines
Sometimes an opening line will grab you right away, while others fade into the distance as you are sucked up by the setting, the characters, and the plot. Here are some opening lines I love from the books that surround me in my home office. Enjoy! Top Ten Tuesday: Opening…
36 East Asian Young Adult Authors
Introduction I wanted to do something after hearing about East Asian and Asian American people being harassed because of the coronavirus. I think it’s ridiculous that people are using a global pandemic as an excuse to be racist. So I’m choosing to spend the next week being an ally of…
40 East Asian Middle Grade Authors
Introduction I wanted to do something after hearing about East Asian and Asian American people being harassed because of the coronavirus. I think it’s ridiculous that people are using a global pandemic as an excuse to be racist. So I’m choosing to spend the next week being an ally of…