Top Ten Tuesday: Things I’ve Googled Thanks to a Book
As I was thinking about this Top Ten Tuesday theme, I realized that I don’t Google a lot when I’m reading. And I think that’s mostly because I tend to read a lot of contemporary romance and lighter reads and not so much heavy/research-oriented books. I say that at all…
2024 Debut Young Adult Authors
It’s my favorite time of the year when my TBR list grows exponentially with all the amazing new books being published this year. For the past few years, I’ve made it a goal of mine to share debut authors’ and illustrators’ works. It is extremely difficult to get published and…
2024 Debut Middle Grade Authors
It’s my favorite time of the year when my TBR list grows exponentially with all the amazing new books being published this year. For the past few years, I’ve made it a goal of mine to share debut authors’ and illustrators’ works. It is extremely difficult to get published and…
2024 Debut Picture Book Authors
It’s my favorite time of the year when my TBR list grows exponentially with all the amazing new books being published this year. For the past few years, I’ve made it a goal of mine to share debut authors’ and illustrators’ works. It is extremely difficult to get published and…
Storytime Theme: Hispanic Creators
Yesterday began Hispanic American Heritage Month which lasts from September 15 – October 15. Today I’m highlighting just a couple of Hispanic creators making beautiful picture books! This list includes both authors and illustrators and only nine titles – there are hundreds of picture books written by Hispanic creators and…
Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish People I’d Like to Meet
I’ve been really lucky to meet a lot of amazing authors at conferences across the country. I also “know” a lot of authors, illustrators, and other bookish people on social media. But, for today’s Top Ten Tuesday post, I pulled together a list of people I’d love to meet and…
2023 YA Debut Titles (August – December)
Today is the final post in my series featuring debut authors this month. You’ll see that in this list there isn’t as much information available and that’s to be expected – right now publishers are focusing on titles being published before summer sets in. Just a special note about this…
2023 YA Debut Titles (May – July)
Today I’m sharing YA debut titles for summer reading! There are literally so many debut titles being published, I had to break down the lists in a weird way so these blog posts weren’t forever long! Make sure to take a look at the YA debut titles being released at…
2023 YA Debut Titles (January – April)
I’m back again with even more debut authors! This time for the 2023 YA Debut Titles (January – April). There are so many YA authors publishing for the first time this year that I had to break the content up into three separate posts. So, don’t forget to stop back…
2023 Debut Picture Book Authors
It’s my favorite time of the year when my TBR list grows exponentially with all the amazing new books being published this year. For the past few years, I’ve made it a goal of mine to share debut authors’ and illustrators’ works. It is extremely difficult to get published and…