• Activities

    Storytime Theme: Cows


    Being at my parents’ house has inspired a cow-themed storytime this morning! My parents’ house is in the country and less than a mile down the road is a large dairy farm, so it’s not uncommon to hear cows mooing and if the wind blows just right, it smells just…

  • Lists

    20 Wild Middle Grade: Animals

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    With summer just around the corner for so many kids, I wanted to share a few titles in lots of different genres to help make summer reading that much easier! If you’ve got a voracious reader at home, try setting some fun reading goals this summer by trying different genres.…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Giraffes

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    This storytime is inspired by my four-year-old niece who absolutely loves giraffes! And honestly, there are some adorable picture books about giraffes out there. With their long necks, black tongues, and cute little horns, giraffes are pretty funny to look at sometimes! Authors and illustrators take advantage of their goofy…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Fall

    fall leaves

    It’s that time of year – fall is here! The days are getting shorter, there’s a nip in the air, and the leaves are beginning to change colors. I have a virtual storytime this morning and I thought some fall-themed stories would be perfect! As always, I like to try…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Sticky & Slimy


    Since kids are constantly sticky and slimy themselves, I thought this would be an adorable storytime theme! Surprisingly, it took me a little bit of time to find a few options for sticky and slimy picture books. But, with stories about honey, octopus arms, slug trails, gum, and sticky frog…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Pets


    This week’s theme is pets! I’m sure most of my readers know all about my sweet and saucy little pup, Aria. She’s the most adorable dog out there and she can get herself into trouble quicker than I can get her out of it, usually. A quick story, we got…

  • Lists

    12 Books Set Down on the Farm


    I may have mentioned on my blog before that there is a small farm a few doors down from my house. Let me be clear, I live in a very large suburb of Philadelphia, about 15-20 miles away from Center City. Many people picture much of Pennsylvania as farmland and…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Jungle

    We are fully in the heat of summer right now! And last week, I offered an outdoor storytime with a jungle theme. Considering it was in the eighties with high humidity, it almost felt like we were in the jungle! I paired some really adorable jungle-themed books with lots of…

  • Lists

    Four on Friday: Frogs


    On a summer night at my parents’ house, all you can hear are the bullfrogs calling across the lake. And boy, are they loud!!!! To honor those loudmouths, I’m sharing four books all about frogs – whether they are classics or nonfiction titles these are great titles to share with…

  • Lists

    World Otter Day

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    It’s World Otter Day! What could be cuter? I love watching otters at the zoo as they literally zoom around their enclosure. In fact, in honor of World Otter Day, I’m going to share some really interesting facts about otters that I learned just for today. Sea otters have the…