• Reviews

    #blogbookaday: The Antlered Ship

    Summary:  “An inquisitive fox sets off on a seafaring voyage with a crew of deer and pigeons in this enchanting tale of friendship and adventure. Marco the fox has a lot of questions, like: how deep does the sun go when it sinks into the sea? And why do birds have…

  • Reviews

    The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue

    Synopsis: After being kicked out of Eton, Henry “Monty” Montague has one last chance to drink, gamble, and sleep around before his ever-disapproving father teaches him to run the family estate or so he thought. Armed with everything you could possible need for a trip to the continent (mainland Europe) with…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Winter TBR List

    Besides the Best of 2017 lists and the ALA Youth Media Awards on February 12th, I’ve included ten new middle grade titles that I’m excited about! Check ’em out! Flower Moon by Gina Linko (January 2, 2018) The Truth As Told By Mason Buttle by Leslie Connor (January 23, 2018)…

  • Reviews

    Book Review: Race to the Bottom of the Sea

    Synopsis: Fidelia loves nothing more than spending time with her marine biologist parents, Dr. and Dr. Quail on the water tagging sharks, gathering new specimens and inventing new machines. But, when her parents die in a tragic accident in Fidelia’s own submarine invention, she is racked with guilt and grief. Soon,…

  • Lists

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 7/24/17

    I’m not doing too bad with middle grade fiction lately!  Over the past week, I read Orphan Island by Laurel Snyder and Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk. I just started Miss Ellicott’s School for the Magically Minded by Sage Blackwood yesterday, so I’m working my way through that story and have Funny Girl: Funniest. Stories.…

  • Lists

    Themes in Middle Grade Fiction

    I had the funniest realization while I was reading over the past week, each book I read fed into the next in with its theme. I’ll show you what I mean: The first title I read of this group of books – it’s about a child growing up as (you…

  • Lists

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 7/17/17

    I read a lot this week, which probably equates to my stress level! We’re in the midst of hiring two full-time employees and making sure the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed is enough to make anyone crazy. I also finished shifting the entire adult fiction section (all…

  • Reviews

    Book Review: Brightwood

    Daisy only knows the house and gardens of Brightwood Hall, her mother suffered from a horrible tragedy and only goes out when it’s completely necessary and never allows Daisy to leave. With a stockpile of food and her mother’s Day Boxes (a box for each day filled with things that…