• Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Journey


    Taking a journey is one of the specific parts of adventure stories whether it be geographical or personal. I talked about this a little more in the historical fiction post earlier this week. And the idea that while we like adventure stories to be action-packed and page-turning, but sometimes they…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Imaginative


    Imagination is a gift once must have when writing and these authors are full of it. With stories of games, zombies, spies, history brought to life, and an overnight in Ikea, the imagination knows no bounds! I enjoy creating lists such as this one when you pull together books that…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Historical Fiction

    historical fiction

    Historical fiction has always been one of my favorite genres. I love learning and with historical fiction the storytelling aspect makes me enjoy it all the more. I often find myself diving into further research about a time period after having read a book set during it. I’ve been really…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Turtles

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    I’m always surprised when I come across another storytime theme that I’ve never done before! And this one is most surprising as we have a pet turtle in our library. And he’s the most popular part of the library, by far. So, in honor of Tera, our turtle, here is…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Girl Characters

    girl characters

    This might look a little similar to a post from last week, just with female characters, rather than male. If you didn’t get a chance to see last week’s post, make sure you stop by for 12 additional adventure titles that you might enjoy. But, I’ll reiterate what I said…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Fantasy


    While dragons got their very own post, you can’t very well believe that I wouldn’t share a whole list of fantasy titles as well. And yes, there are more dragons, but they don’t all have dragons, I promise. While fantasy titles aren’t my go-to books, I still tend to enjoy…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Easy Readers

    Easy Readers

    There are countless easy readers for children looking to begin reading independently. In fact, it’s probably the most checked out collection in my library. And let me tell you, these books are well-loved. We just recently had to repurchase many new copies of old favorites so they had a chance…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Dragons


    There is absolutely no way that I could create 26 book lists about adventures without highlighting dragons in at least one of the lists. And there are plenty more dragon books out there, but I limited myself to twelve and was able to pull from picture books, chapter books, middle…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Treehouses

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    When I first thought of this lesson plan, I was super excited! I have fond memories of the treehouse my dad built for us when we were kids. It was just a simple platform among the trees in the backyard with a ladder to climb up to the top. We…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Chapter Books

    chapter books

    Letter “C” is for chapter books! This is probably one of the most misunderstood terms in children’s literature, so let me explain. While most people use this term for any book with chapters in it that is geared toward kids, it’s actually a specific term. Unfortunately, it’s often misused online…