• Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Time Travel

    time travel

    Time travel, for me, brings together two very different genres and, if done correctly, is a wonderful thing! Time travel often combines the science of science fiction with the history of historical fiction. And as someone who isn’t necessarily a big science fiction reader, this is one way I’ll get…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Science Fiction

    science fiction

    I can’t believe we’re heading into the homestretch of this challenge with the letter “S”! Today’s list is full of middle grade and young adult book titles that all fall squarely into the science fiction/adventure genre. Now, like fantasy, science fiction isn’t necessarily my favorite genre. When books reach to…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Read Alouds

    Read Aloud

    Another fun reading list to pull together, I included some of my most favorite books that make great read alouds for families. If you don’t already take time every day to read together as a family, start a new habit by selecting an adventure story from the list and begin…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Quintessential


    The letter “Q” is always a tricky one when it comes to the A to Z Challenge. But this year, the word quintessential came to me right away and worked out perfectly for my adventurous readers theme. I’m using the definition of quintessential to mean classics, so I’m sharing some…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Picture Books

    This was such a fun list to pull together and one that was hard to stop at just twelve picture books! There are so many adventurous picture books in the world, but I controlled myself to offer you just twelve titles that make great read alouds for storytime, classrooms, and…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Outdoor


    This was probably one of the easiest lists to pull together because there are so many adventure titles that just inherently take place outdoors as survival stories. I also included some that aren’t quite as intense and take place at summer camp as well. And that’s why I like sharing…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Nonfiction


    I will forever implore readers to try nonfiction because children’s nonfiction has changed drastically in the last 20-30 years. I remember growing up that nonfiction was extremely dry, text heavy, and if you were lucky you’d get a few pen and ink drawings. Now, nonfiction is engaging and accessible for…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Mystery


    Another genre that I enjoy reading, today’s book list is full of middle grade and young adult mysteries. With books taking place around the world and across time, readers are sure to find a book that speaks to them. I especially like mysteries that have a really great puzzle aspect…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Legends


    Some of my favorite tales are those that feel traditional in some respects, but are in other ways. I love fractured fairy tales and stories that read like the legends I grew up with but are steeped in the history and storytelling of places that I am most unfamiliar with.…

  • Lists

    2024 Blogging A to Z Challenge: Kooky


    This list of books was one of the most fun to pull together this month! It’s full of “kooky” titles a term I use with the utmost respect. I love to read books that are so far out there, I wonder, “How did the author ever come up with this?”…