2025 Blogging A to Z April Challenge: Theme Reveal
Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is almost h ere and I’ve got daffodils poking through my garden beds. Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 10th year participating in…
2024 Blogging A to Z: Theme Reveal
Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is just around the corner and I’ve already got daffodils blooming in my garden beds! Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This will be my 9th year…
2023 Blogging A to Z: Reflections
It’s May 1st and I’ve completed my 8th year of the Blogging A to Z Challenge! Over the course of April, I shared 26 blog posts with 312 picture book, chapter book, middle grade, and young adult titles under my theme – Books for Every Reader! I hope you found…
2023 Blogging A to Z: Theme Reveal
Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! I love April primarily because Spring is on its way with beautiful blooms and flowers everywhere you turn. I also love April for another reason and that’s because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month! This is actually my 8th…
Blogging A to Z – Reflection
I made it through another Blogging A to Z Challenge! I really enjoyed sharing 26 amazing tips and tricks for reaching reluctant readers. Reluctant readers are some of my favorite kids to interact with at the library because they present a challenge. They’re more difficult to pair with a book…
Blogging A to Z: Zillions of Books
I couldn’t go through an entire Blogging A to Z Challenge and not give my readers a great, curated list of titles! Granted, there might not be zillions of titles, but there is at least a handful for different age groups that might entice your reluctant reader to enjoy a…
Blogging A to Z: You Need to Be A Role Model
Reluctant readers most likely will not see reading as a valuable way to spend their free time. They need reading role models in their life to show them what it means to be a reader. Being a reading role model should be something that is done at an early age.…
Blogging A to Z: Don’t “x” Electronics
I know, I know, this sounds counter-productive, but kids LOVE technology and you don’t always have to be against technology to encourage reading. With access to eBooks from your local library, kids can use technology and also be reading! I’m not going to dive too deep into the types of…
Blogging A to Z: Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Glass Doors
For the past month, I’ve been telling you that you should find books that interest kids and keep giving them the things they like. And you should. But, there is also something to be said for reading outside the box. Reading something that you wouldn’t have necessarily picked up on…
Blogging A to Z: Author/Illustrator Visits
Many children’s authors and illustrators are awesome people to get to know! They are truly some of the kindest souls on this planet – at least a lot of the ones I have met in person and online. I think many kids don’t fully understand the entire process of what…