• Lifestyle

    World Octopus Day


    Can you believe today is World Octopus Day?!?!? I already love it! Since an octopus is my logo, I can’t help but celebrate World Octopus Day today! And if you’re wondering why my logo includes an octopus and an ice cream sundae, check out my post here. Octopuses are really…

  • Lifestyle

    Whole Grain Veggie Burrito Bowl


    I found this recipe for a whole grain veggie burrito bowl a few years ago and can’t believe I haven’t shared it yet with all of my readers! As many of you know, my partner and I are not vegetarian, but we do choose to eat a number of meals…

  • Lifestyle

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 10/4/2021


    What I Read I’m not sure why I even plan to read anything lately! Work has sucked up so much of my time, by the time I have time to read, I’m too tired! Although I reviewed two books for the blog this week – Melville and Change Sings, they…

  • Lifestyle

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 9/27/2021


    What I Read I finished up Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore and read Fix Her Up by Tess Bailey and I might be getting to end of my romance reading phase. I also re-read The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. I like that I don’t have to…

  • Lifestyle

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 9/20/2021


    What I Read I finally read Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo and I honestly don’t know why it took me so long! It’s currently on the long list for the National Book Award for Young People’s Literature. I loved how the story moved between characters and…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 9/15/2021


    I survived summer reading! But, there isn’t really a better way to say it. We’ve run out of space! We moved into our current space in the late 1980s after vacating a much smaller location. In 2007-08 a feasibility study showed that we had in essence run out of space.…

  • Lifestyle

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 9/13/2021


    What I Read In the past two weeks, I’ve only read two books. It’s been super busy at work. Our ILS had an upgrade and data migration going on for about a week and that wasn’t too bad. But, coming out of that, there were so many issues with data…

  • Lifestyle

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 8/30/2021


    What I Read Well, an unplanned power outage that lasted almost an entire 24 hours led me to do A LOT of reading. It’s amazing what you can read when conserving your cell phone battery, without wi-fi and many of the modern luxuries needed to clean the house! I finished…

  • Lifestyle

    Quick & Easy (& Tasty) Chicken Meatballs


    I’m sharing a new recipe today! I haven’t shared any meal plans recently, but this is one that everyone should try! I was raving about it a few weeks ago and sent the recipe to my busy sister. She just mentioned that not only did she really like it, but…

  • Lifestyle

    Find Your Next Read – Celebrity Book Clubs


    If you’re looking for your next read, why not check out one of the many celebrity book clubs? Book clubs are really great ways to have an excuse to get together with some friends. Maybe share some food and drinks and talk about books. TBH, my book club probably should…