Bookish Quotes
I love quotations, from all sorts of people from all different walks of life. I especially love quotes about books and libraries, by great authors, in my favorite books! I’ve even blogged a number of times about some of my most favorite quotes that I’ve found. Top Ten Tuesday: Quotes…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 12/20/2021
What I Read It’s been another interesting week of reading! I was proud of myself, I was able to snag some of the nonfiction titles I mentioned in last week’s Top Ten Tuesday! This week I read 13 Ways to Eat a Fly by Sue Heavenrich, illustrated by David Clark,…
Director’s Thoughts – 12/15/2021
It’s that time of year when there are sweet treats all over the library from staff and patrons alike! After a cookie baking marathon, I brought in cookies for my staff and my Board this week which was a lot of fun. And today, I’m handing out my end-of-the-year appreciation…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 12/13/2021
What I Read This week I read exactly what I planned to read – Saint Ivy: Kind at All Costs by Laurie Morrison. This middle grade book is set in Philadelphia, which I love because I live in a suburb not too far away. I also finally tried out that…
Dewey Decimal System Day
How did I not know this was a thing?!?! It’s Dewey Decimal System Day! I want to share just a little information about this system of classification that is used worldwide, tell you a little bit about why it’s not always the best option, and give you some resources for…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 12/6/2021
What I Read I finished up One Kid’s Trash by Jamie Sumner this week… and that’s about it! With extra nights at work and working on Saturday, my week filled up faster than I expected. I’m also super excited because I joined a local rock gym (and have the blisters…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 11/29/2021
What I Read I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend! Because my family travels for the holiday weekend, Thanksgiving begins on Wednesday and doesn’t end until Sunday for me. It was a little different this year, just due to everyone’s schedule, but it worked out. I got to spend…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 11/22/2021
What I Read A little work/life balance leads to some amazing things! Even working late a little bit this week, I actually read four middle grade books! That’s a great reading week for me, especially lately! I even got a lot of the house cleaned up and organized. I’ll have…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 11/15/2021
What I Read Well, the best-laid plans! I was planning to be off from Thursday – Sunday this week and was super excited to work on some blogging ideas and get a lot of reading done! But, unfortunately, I had a few staffing situations that required me to head back…
Moroccan Carrot and Chickpea Tagine
If you had told me a few years ago that this is a recipe that I would be making and enjoying, I would have probably laughed right in your face. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed cooking (and eating), but I’ve never been super adventurous with my eating. I…