2023 YA Debut Titles (August – December)
Today is the final post in my series featuring debut authors this month. You’ll see that in this list there isn’t as much information available and that’s to be expected – right now publishers are focusing on titles being published before summer sets in. Just a special note about this…
2023 YA Debut Titles (May – July)
Today I’m sharing YA debut titles for summer reading! There are literally so many debut titles being published, I had to break down the lists in a weird way so these blog posts weren’t forever long! Make sure to take a look at the YA debut titles being released at…
2023 YA Debut Titles (January – April)
I’m back again with even more debut authors! This time for the 2023 YA Debut Titles (January – April). There are so many YA authors publishing for the first time this year that I had to break the content up into three separate posts. So, don’t forget to stop back…
2023 Word of the Year
Happy New Year, readers! I can’t believe it’s 2023! I love these little opportunities to reflect, reorganize, and reset for a new year. Honestly, I feel the same way at the start of a new school year even though I haven’t been in school for years. And while I have…
Malcolm Gladwell on Research
Wired does a series of videos on YouTube where they invite an expert in a field to answer Twitter questions about that topic. Recently, Malcolm Gladwell was on answering questions about research. I find these interviews fascinating, partially for the questions they choose and I always learn a little something.…
2022 Blogging A to Z: Theme Reveal
I honestly can’t believe April will be here in just a few more days! And that’s it’s time for this year’s theme reveal for the AtoZo Blogging Challenge. 2022 marks my seventh (!) year participating in the AtoZ Blogging Challenge and I’m so excited to get started this year. 2021…
Homemade Egg Rolls
While many families are eating a pork roast to welcome in the New Year tomorrow, I’m going in a little bit of a different route! Did you know that you can make egg rolls at home? And honestly, they’re not super difficult! It would definitely be a fun family activity…
2022 Blogging Goals
I’m not sure if I can even believe it, but I started blogging late in 2012. And I’ve been steadily blogging for the past nine years. With over 3,300 posts, I wanted to take a little bit of time at the end of this year to really think about where…
2022 Word of the Year
So, I tried this last year with the word – “self-care” and I’ll be honest, it did not go well. Work kind of took over a lot of my life. We were so short-staffed, that I ended up working a lot of extra hours in the evenings and on weekends…
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 12/27/2021
What I Read I’m ending 2021 with some great books! Not to mention, a list that looks more like what I typically read (pre-pandemic, of course). Honestly, the only reason I was able to get this much reading done was because of a long couple of days in D. C.…