• Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 11/15/2023

    piggy bank

    Since I’m in the throes of budget season, I’ve thought about little else for the past few months other than our library’s budget. So for today’s director’s thoughts – 11/15/2023, let’s learn about public library funding. I live and work in Pennsylvania, so most of this information pertains to public…

  • Lifestyle

    Literacious Etsy Shop Now LIVE

    etsy shop

    It’s been a long time coming, but the Literacious Etsy Shop is now live! I wanted to take a little time to share what I’m offering, why I decided this is my next chapter for Literacious, and how excited I am to send this new idea out into the world!…

  • Lifestyle

    Exciting News & BIG Announcement

    Exciting News & Big Announcement

    It’s been a very busy spring and summer over here at Literacious! I started working on a project not sure where it would end up. But I knew I wanted to expand beyond the blog. As a reader, I’m always popping into bookstores. I like to check out new titles…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 8/16/2023

    ebook reader

    Today I want to talk about eBooks and libraries. Libraries have a tumultuous relationship with publishers when it comes to eBooks. And I know, it’s easier to have a Kindle Unlimited, Audible, or Scribd subscription when you’re waiting for your hold on those bestsellers. But, I want to take the…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 7/16/2023


    As a municipal library, budget season is around the corner, which I’m sure I’ll be talking about in a later post. But for now, I’m already focusing on goals and objectives for 2024. Goal setting at an organizational level can be very daunting as you have to consider funding, staffing,…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 6/21/2023


    It’s Summer Reading time and it feels like most of my time is spent thinking, planning, talking, and even posting today’s Director’s Thoughts – 6/21/2023 about it! A time to engage families in the library even more so than usual and get kids excited about reading! Our library held our…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 5/17/2023


    When I sat down to write for today’s post, I honestly wasn’t sure what direction I was headed in. But then I thought about how I spend a lot of my time and realized that I spend a good portion of my work day in meetings. The bane of most…

  • Lifestyle

    Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Recipes

    Top Ten Tuesday

    I love to cook; if you’ve been a reader for a while, I’m sure you already know. I think cooking might actually be my love language. I love finding new recipes to try and often surprise myself with great flavors and new favorites. My partner and I often lean toward…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 3/23/2023


    It’s all about staff training! And at a time when public libraries are actively under attack with book challenges, staff training has never been more important. Due to COVID, our usual staff training was put on the back burner. But I felt like this year, we were finally able to…

  • Lifestyle

    Director’s Thoughts – 1/23/2023


    My Director’s Thoughts posts are back! I just realized that I haven’t posted one of these since December of 2021. I’m not sure what I was doing last year, but I didn’t write a single post about being a library director. So, my goal for 2023 is to create a…