• Activities

    Storytime Planning

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    While the general public might think that planning storytime is just grabbing a few books off the shelf and tossing in a few songs, planning a storytime isn’t that easy! But, if you do it well, the rewards are completely worth it! You’ll have both the kids and caregivers completely…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Letter Z

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    It’s finally here! After 26 weeks of lesson plans, we have reached the final letter of the alphabet – Letter Z! It’s been a long time coming, but I’m so excited to provide librarians, teachers, and families with so much great content to serve their little readers. These storytime lesson…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Toys

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    We’re coming down to the end of the year and this would work perfectly for the gift-giving season, but you could also use this at any time during the year – a great versatile theme for toddlers and preschoolers! With some fun books (harder to find than I was expecting),…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Letter Y

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    It’s letter Y’s day to shine! And honestly, a heck of a lot easier than letter x last week! With great words like yoga, yak, and you – there’s an infinite number of ways to take this lesson plan. And it wasn’t even too difficult to find songs, rhymes, and…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Buses

    Of all the transportation-themed storytimes I’ve done, I’ve never once focused on buses! So today, all of that changes! Here’s a wonderful storytime theme all about school buses and city buses. While some of these books work great for preschool age kids, I’d also say that you could age this…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Letter X

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    This was the letter that I was most concerned about and for good cause – the letter X is a tricky one for picture books and storytime themes. In fact, I had to cheat the system and used words with the letter x in them somewhere, rather than just at…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Dance

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    Your toes will be tapping and your hands will be clapping with this high-energy storytime lesson plan all about dance! If you’re not quite ready for a full music and movement program, start here and work towards a full program with music and no books! I tried to combine both…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Letter W

    Letter W storytime

    Letter W was full of surprises with many of the book titles having wonderful alliterative titles full of letter w words! And surprisingly, I found a lot of amazing books for the letter w including webs, wolves, whales, watermelons, and windows. In fact, you could create an entire STEM storytime…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Hot & Cold

    Hot & Cold Storytime

    Today is a storytime lesson plan all about opposites and it’s a perfect one for today as the temperature has plummeted where I live and it’s been quite cold over the past few days. I’m remembering again why I dislike the winter – I hate being cold! But, this frigid…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Letter V

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    It’s Letter V day! Another tricky letter this week, the Letter V led me to picture books about vacuums, volcanoes, vultures, and more. Some of these letters are tricky to find words that preschoolers are going to recognize and that also show up in picture books. This is a letter…