Green Storytime Header

Storytime Theme: Green

Green is the color of storytime this week! I love green because it allows us to explore the outdoors with lots of animals and plants. And if you’re just joining me, check out red, orange, and yellow that were posted earlier and come back again for trip through all the rainbow colors (plus a few more that we can’t miss out on!).

Colors are easy storytimes to create because you can select from a really wide variety of books, subjects, and themes. Green can really lend itself to a spring storytime as buds and shoots become more noticeable as the weather warms. You could even lean into a STEM storytime by allowing kids to plant some seeds for quick growing grass or flowers. Or keep it simple and pull out a bunch of different things in different colors and have kids sort them into color piles. Storytime can be as simple or as complex and you want – it’s up to you!

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Storytime Theme: Green

Storytime Theme: Green


Songs & Rhymes

Crafts & Activities

  • Handprint Frog – Fun Handprint Art
  • Color Sorting – Totschooling
  • Green Process Art – only put out the green crayons, colored pencils, markers, etc.

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