Top Ten Tuesday: Things I’ve Googled Thanks to a Book
As I was thinking about this Top Ten Tuesday theme, I realized that I don’t Google a lot when I’m reading. And I think that’s mostly because I tend to read a lot of contemporary romance and lighter reads and not so much heavy/research-oriented books. I say that at all with a nonfiction title sitting next to my laptop all about the importance of read aloud. I do love to read historical fiction and that’s often where I’ll start doing more Googling to learn more about the time period or the event.
Are you a Google-er or are you more someone who just enjoys the act of reading in and of itself?
Things I’ve Googled Thanks to a Book
Author Backgrounds
There are times that I’ll start Googling an author, especially when the book has a character with a disability or cultural experience. I want to make sure the author has done due diligence at the least with the character development or may even have the experience themselves.
Book Reviews
Book reviews are a funny thing, there are times that book reviews help me to find my next read while other times I jump into a book without even reading the jacket cover info. But, often when I finish a book I’ll check to see how others felt about it, especially when I’ve got mixed emotions about a story.
Historical Events
As I mentioned above, I love historical fiction and am fascinated to learn more about a time period or event, so often when I’m reading a historical fiction novel I’ll Google to learn more about the time.
I’m a little weird in that I love maps! Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had a very good eye in terms of being able to read maps and navigate. When I was young, we often went to Washington D.C. in the summer, and my mom always put me in charge of navigating the metro. Even now, I’m great at knowing how to navigate through a city or on vacation.
I don’t often take time to Google vocabulary, as I often can figure out the meaning the word from context clues. But, I’m also a person who loves the sound of words, is there a word for that? So, often I’ll find a word that sounds cool and want to learn more about it and that’s where Google comes in.
And this week, I could only think of five things I Google when reading, especially when I couldn’t think of any specific examples! I’m so excited to see what others share for this Top ten Tuesday.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Maps are a cool thing to look up.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
I look up vocabulary words, too.
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
I can say I’ve Googled these all once or twice myself.