Director’s Thoughts – 1/19/2024
Today’s Director’s Thoughts post is a list of ten things that you might not know about librarians and libraries. I love learning about what other people do and hearing about the intricacies of what their work is like, especially in careers I know little about. I’m sharing a few of the behind the scenes things you might not know about the librarians who sit behind the desk at your local library. And if you love libraries as much as I do, check out these great quotes about libraries.
Ten Things You Might Not Know About Libraries & Librarians
- Librarians hold (at least one) Master’s Degree
It may surprise some people that librarians hold a Master’s of Science degree in Library & Information Science. To be called a “librarian” you need to have a Master’s degree. There is an undergraduate degree, but it’s not very common and most librarians come from other educational backgrounds. There is often a lot of discussion about the requirements of holding a Master’s degree and whether it’s necessary. A lot has changed in the library world with the implementation of technology and the Internet. Earning a Master’s degree is limited to people who have the means to do so – both time and money which limits the diversity of the field.
Many librarians often hold second Master’s in another field. My second Master’s is in Public Administration which focuses on management in the public sector – think local government and often nonprofits. While others hold Master’s in English, Art History, the Sciences, almost anything. Librarians can work in hospitals, businesses, organizations, colleges, universities, and so many other places which is why there’s such a wide range of education when it comes to librarians. - Librarians Don’t Spend All Day Reading
You might be surprised to learn that the most reading I do on a regular day at work is reading my email. I read the most books as a children’s librarian when I was hosting storytime. Unfortunately, being a librarian doesn’t automatically mean you get to spend your day at work reading (that would be great!) Most days are spent planning programming, cataloging, answering questions at the reference desk, and following up with patron account issues – very little time is spent reading. - Libraries (at least public libraries) Aren’t All That Quiet
One of the biggest complaints libraries receive these days is that we’re not the quiet, dusty, dark spaces people expect us to be. Libraries, especially public libraries, are often busy hubs with programs happening, people using computers, talking to each other, and more. If you’re lucky enough to have a library that offers study rooms or a quiet room, that’s the best bet, but you’re more likely to have that dull roar of work going on around you if you’re just sitting in the middle of the library. - Librarians Are Tired
This might be an over-generalization, but librarians are tired. We are constantly trying to show our worth, receive adequate funding, and fight against book banning. Yes, a lot of information can be found on the Internet, but libraries are places that are welcoming to all people in a world where very few places like this exist. I could talk about funding and book banning for hours, but that might be better for a later post. - Libraries Loan More Than Books
If you haven’t been to a library in the recent past, you should check out all the amazing resources that are available to you. Often when I meet people at an outreach event, they’ll say, “I don’t use the library library anymore, I just download my books from Libby.” Libby is available because of your local library, so while you might not be coming into the physical building, you are using the library, in our digital branch. Libraries also have toys, tools, board games, yard games, museum passes, cake pans, American Girl dolls, and more so much more! Not every library has all of these things, but you might be shocked by what you’ll find. - Librarians Are Passionate About Their Work
Librarians are not librarians for the accolades or the compensation, librarians are librarians because they are passionate about building community, offering services to the public, and their love of libraries in general. I wanted to be a librarian since I was seven years old – not necessarily typical for most people, but I can’t imagine doing anything else. - Libraries are Third Spaces
Public libraries are one of the only places left that are considered “third spaces” – a place that is not home or work, but a space to meet with other community members, attend a program, borrow materials, and use resources.
They’re also welcoming places for everyone – you don’t have to pay to come into the library. You can cool down in hot weather, warm up in cold weather, check your email, read, and more without paying a cent. Most people have paid taxes or donated to support libraries, but it’s not a requirement to use the library and that’s a pretty special thing. - Librarians Love a Scavenger Hunt
Reference librarians, especially, love a good scavenger hunt. Come in asking about a book you heard about from a friend or that you saw online and we’ll do our best to track it down for you. Some of my favorite questions are the ones that have very few details, some of which are incorrect, and yet we find what is needed. - Libraries Save You Money
Last year, I estimated that our library saved patrons over $6,000,000 in borrowing materials alone. This is for using the materials we have rather than purchasing the same things themselves. That doesn’t include the cost savings you have when you attend a free program or use online resources to do research or learn something new. Libraries are one of the best bangs for your buck out there and have really high returns on investment. - Librarians are Creative, Meticulous, Loud, Serious, etc.
You might expect librarians to be what you are used to seeing depicted in TV shows and movies – severe and mean individuals who don’t want to help anyone. Librarians (like any other group) are very different people and often have different personalities depending on what department they work in. We don’t all wear glasses, cardigans, and our hair in buns (ironically, I do all those things!).