Help Me Achieve My Blogging Reach Goal
I’m within sight of a reach goal for my blog this year and I’d love a little help to get there! I made the goal of getting 160,000 views on my blog this year and I’m happy to announce I blew past that goal this fall. That may seem like not many views for some bloggers out there, but it’s my highest number of views ever and I’m so proud of the hard work I’ve put in that people seem to value! For others, that number may seem huge and I’ll be the first to tell you it has taken me years to get to this point. Working full-time and blogging on the side doesn’t always leave as much time as I would like to do all the things.
When I realized I had reached my goal, I decided to create a stretch goal of 175,000 views. And I’m just over 1,000 views away. Normally, I’d be able to reach it with no problem with the few days left in the year. But, as it’s coming up on a weekend and a holiday to boot, my views are definitely going to drop in the next few days.
And that’s where you come in! There are two ways in which you can help and both are super easy. The first is to share my blog with a friend or family member, coworker or colleague. The more people who know the blog exists the better. That typically equates to more views and visitors. The other is to stop by and visit one (or more!) of these great posts. Don’t feel obligated to just click on all of these links and not read any of them (that’s cheating!). If you have a moment and find something that interests you, I’d love it if you checked it out, but no worries if you don’t!

And while it’s a few days early, here are my
Top 10 Most Viewed Posts of 2023:
10. 15 Short Middle Grade Books
9. 15 Picture Books About Bread
8. Storytime Theme: Shapes
7. Storytime Theme: Dogs
6. 12 Read Alikes for the I Survived series
5. Storytime Theme: Snow
4. Storytime Theme: Dinosaurs
3. Storytime Theme: Fall
2. Life-Size Clue
My most viewed blog post of 2023 (drumroll please…)
1. 9 Books to Give as Retirement Gifts
Next up, these posts were written this year and didn’t get as many views as I expected. Check them out below!
2023 Posts:
- 15 Fly Guy Readalikes
- 12 Books of Poetry for Teens
- 22 Middle Grade Books with Mulitple Narrators
- 15 Books for Reluctant Readers (Grades 3-5)
- How to Host Baby Storytime at Your Library
And finally,
5 More Storytime Posts of 2023: