Director’s Thoughts – 7/16/2023
As a municipal library, budget season is around the corner, which I’m sure I’ll be talking about in a later post. But for now, I’m already focusing on goals and objectives for 2024. Goal setting at an organizational level can be very daunting as you have to consider funding, staffing, and time constraints. But, after the last three years of so much change due to the global pandemic, I’m excited to start looking toward the future and getting us back on track.
Looking to the Past
Just before the shutdown, the library had been working with an architectural firm to do a feasibility study of the library. We are in need of double the square footage that we currently have and some major upgrades as our building was built before computers were a necessity at almost every workstation.
Our strategic plan has also just expired during the pandemic, so we’ve got some work cut out for us. We need to focus on what we can do in the short-term with the current space we have and also look to create a plan to seriously begin looking at the options we have to either expand our current location, renovate another space, or build a new library for our community.
Planning for the Future
My goals for 2024 really focus on planning for the future. As I mentioned above, we need a new strategic plan. The last one our library had I created myself just a year after I began as the director. It was a quick plan that was just something to get us moving forward and jumping into the 21st century. I’m looking at hiring an outside consultant for the strategic plan this time around as I’ve got a better handle on where we are and where I see us going in the future – especially as we begin serious space planning.
This directly coincides with my second goal, which is more of a township-wide goal for most of the departments of the township. And that is to get a complete feasibility study done on our current building and begin researching our options for space. As we share a building currently with our police department, public works, and administrative offices, there are a lot of needs that must be met and our current space just currently isn’t able to provide the functionality that we need.
Community Services
And finally, although I enjoy the big-picture goals, I also like to look at larger products and services. Things that we can provide our patrons during the goal-setting season. For example, a few years ago we installed a drive-up return for materials and it has helped us so much! This year, I’m starting to look at the 24/7 holds lockers. This allows patrons to pick up their materials at any time that fits into their schedule. Because the police department remains open 24/7, our building lobby is a great place to house one of these units. I can see the use being really popular for busy community members who may not be able to get into the library during operating hours.
Behind the Scenes
A lot of this work is done behind the scenes. And most patrons and community members don’t get a chance to see or really understand how these types of things will make their library an even better organization for the community. But, I’m okay with that. If I’ve got to plan, attend meetings, plead my case, and earmark money and the community benefits from it, then I’m happy to. (But you know that I’ll be getting a lot of press out about a new strategic plan when the time comes).
It might feel a little odd to be thinking about 2024 for already, but I’m excited for what’s in store for the library and I’m getting ready for what comes next!