Top Ten Tuesday: Things Getting in the Way of Reading
There are so many things getting in the way of reading! Some of which I love to do and wouldn’t change my daily schedule for, while others are must-dos like work, chores, etc. These things I do begrudgingly and would 100% prefer to be reading! And of course, there are days that I ignore the pile of dishes in my sink and find a cozy nook to read in instead. Here are ten things getting in the way of reading right now.
Things Getting in the Way of Reading
Time at the Rock Gym
I started rock climbing almost a year and a half ago and I’ve become completely obsessed! If you had told me two years ago I’d actually enjoy and want to go to the gym, I would have looked at you like you had two heads! Rock climbing is the best of both worlds – it’s a really great activity to increase strength and I love feeling so strong, plus it’s also very much a mental sport that forces you to get out of your head and focus on the wall. After COVID, I really needed something like this that was something I did just for me and I love it. My partner and I go at least 2-3 times a week and climbing is an activity that usually takes a couple of hours each session.
Full-time Job
If I had a nickel for every time someone said, “I’d love to be a librarian and read all day…” I’d probably be pretty rich. Unfortunately, although I’m surrounded by books daily, I rarely spend time reading at work. And as a director, I’m often working extra hours to help cover the desk, waiting for delivery, helping with programming, meetings, etc.
I love my blog and in fact, I’m working on a new project that has me really excited (I’m not quite ready to announce what it is yet), but boy does it take up some of my time. I usually spend at least an hour if not more a day working on my blog. And sometimes, all I want to do instead is read!
Household Chores
This is probably the one I hate the most in terms of getting in the way of my reading. All the constant chores – laundry, washing dishes, keeping the house clean, keep me from spending more time reading. I’m thinking about trying audiobooks while I do chores, but I’m not a huge fan of headphones, so I’ll have to figure that out.
I love to cook and I know that it’s not a “typical” love language, but it’s definitely mine. I cook probably six nights a week, typically and I truly enjoy the time I spend in the kitchen trying new recipes, but it does take a certain amount of time.
Spending Time with Family & Friends
I don’t live close to any of my immediate family, so when we get together we spend a lot of time together. But, we do have close friends in our area, so we try to get together as our busy schedules permit to grab drinks together, eat dinner, or whatever we can fit in!
TV Shows
My partner and I tend to wind down our day with a little time on the couch watching TV together. It’s not always easy finding something we’re both excited to watch, but when we’re finished climbing for the day, it’s a great way to spend time relaxing. Right now we’re watching Chuck on Amazon Prime TV – an older show about guy with basically a computer in his brain who becomes a CIA asset. It’s got action, adventure, family, relationships – a little bit of everything.
Gardening & Yard Work
Every spring, I get excited for a vegetable garden and by the middle of summer it’s a complete and utter mess! I just spent a few hours on Saturday prepping the soil and planting all my seedlings. I’m hoping that the weather works in my favor this year and I can keep up with it. Plus, the constant mowing of my yard sucks up at least an hour every week! Again, I really need to invest in comfortable headphones and start listening to audiobooks.
Walking the Dog
My dog, Aria, is a demanding pup who gets a walk every morning and every evening. And if we’re not ready at the right time, she’ll whine and complain until we get back on schedule. Again, another time I could listen to an audiobook, but I’m usually chatting with my mom on the phone or just enjoying the outdoor time.
And finally, sleep. Most nights, by the time I get into bed, I’m exhausted which usually means that I’m falling asleep holding my book up! But, I’m a person who needs to get good sleep to be functional the next day, so it’s rare that I read past my bedtime. My body usually lets me know that sleep is more important than finishing the chapter!
What gets in the way of your reading time?

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Rebecca Trotter
Our pesky jobs!
I also love to garden and do yard work.
Great list.
Being a librarian seems like such an interesting job. The librarians here in Toronto also do a lot of social work type stuff as far as helping people access services goes. Our libraries are one of the few places where unhoused people can spend all day, so library workers have plenty to do beyond their usual job descriptions. I’m proud of how much assistance they offer!
I look forward to hearing about your new blogging project.
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-things-getting-in-the-way-of-reading/
Amy @ A Novel Start
When I was younger, I wanted to be a librarian. Unfortunately, in the UK, they have to reapply for their jobs every year because they’ve been shutting a lot of them down. It just didn’t seem worth it getting a bachelor degree in librarianship for a job that wasn’t guaranteed.
My partner does rock climbing and he loves it. It’s always hard for him to find people to do with. I can’t because of my disabilities, but it’d be really nice to find him a friend to go with. He’s always watching YouTube videos on how to improve his climbing techniques.
Regarding audiobooks, I listen to them on loudspeaker without headphones
I just pump up the volume a bit
I’m usually alone in the house when I’m doing chores so the volume doesn’t really matter. I have to turn it off or use headphones when I’m vacuuming though 
Have a great week x
I’m glad your dog gets plenty of attention. I love dogs and would have one if I wasn’t allergic to them.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
If only people could read instead of work.
I’ve only discovered audiobooks in the last few years, but man, they make cleaning so much more enjoyable! I have earbuds that work really well, so I can totally immerse myself in my book while I scrub
Happy TTT!