It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 8/30/2021
What I Read
Well, an unplanned power outage that lasted almost an entire 24 hours led me to do A LOT of reading. It’s amazing what you can read when conserving your cell phone battery, without wi-fi and many of the modern luxuries needed to clean the house!
I finished up the Shadow and Bone trilogy by Leigh Bardugo and as usual, I’m not a huge fan of trilogies. I actually love the world building of the Grishaverse, but I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending. But, no spoilers here! I also read The Scrumptious Life of Azaleah Lane by Nikki Shannon Smith. This is a chapter book series featuring an African American girl as she solves mysteries. And not your typical Scooby-Doo style mysteries, rather things like why her chocolate chip cookies aren’t turning out just like her mom’s. I’m working on creating a booktalk program for some homeschool kids at the library and I’m focusing on K-4th grade so I’m brushing up on some literature.
Finally, I spent my power outage binge-reading romcoms and it was perfect! I started with Would Like to Meet by Rachel Winters, followed it up with The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez, and finished with Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors by Sonali Dev. It was the perfect way to de-stress before a busy work week and after a long week of being sick with a head cold.
What I’m Planning to Read
This week’s going to be really busy, our library system’s doing an upgrade/data migration and I’ve got a big meeting for work too. Beyond that, I’m also heading out to my parents’ house for the long weekend with a few friends. What’s great is that we spend the majority of our time at my parents’ outdoors and I’m hoping the weather is going to be gorgeous!
I’ve got a handful of chapter books that I’ve got to read for that homeschool program. Other than that, I’m going to see how I feel and hopefully have some time to read over the weekend.

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Check out the hashtag #IMWAYR for reading suggestions from readers across the globe.