A Year of Everyday Wonders
“From first haircut to first ice-cream cone, each year brings a new cycle of experiences.
With each new year come countless little wonders. From the highs—first snowfall, first new
umbrella, first beach trip—to the lows—first missed bus, first lost umbrella, first sunburn — every year older means another cycle of everyday experiences.
In their clever, playful, observant picture book, acclaimed author Cheryl B. Klein and illustrator Qin Leng explore many truths of childhood through a calendar year of small moments that, all together, comprise what it is to be a kid.”
I always love when a book does something different! Rather than an explanation of time or season, Klein shows the passage of a year with small phrases celebrating the firsts of the year that happen all year long. A young girl and her family celebrate the new year with waffles and snowfall. Two umbrellas, many firsts, and countless fights with her brother are highlighted throughout the year ending on New Year’s Eve with the last waffles of the year.
I think this would be a fun story to read to little ones and then to create your own little book of the year’s firsts. It could be a really cool scrapbook idea for young readers. I know for a fact that my 3 year old niece is anxiously awaiting my sister’s wedding so that she can wear her “wedding dress.” That is an event that would definitely be in her little book.
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This is an adorable celebration of a year’s worth of tiny moments that create memories to last a lifetime! Pull this book out throughout the year and reflect on the own firsts that you’ve experienced!
If you’re interested in purchasing A Year of Everyday Wonders by Cheryl B. Klein and Qin Leng, please use my affiliate links for Bookshop.org or Amazon.com. When you purchase from either of these links, I will earn a commission as an affiliate.
Need to Know:
Title: A Year of Everyday Wonders
Author: Cheryl B. Klein
Illustrator: Qin Leng
Publisher: Abrams Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: December 8, 2020
Page Number: 40 pgs.
I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.