Slice of Life Day 8: Laundry
Laundry is the bain of my existence. I don’t mind the actual act of doing laundry, but folding clean laundry is definitely not my favorite household chore. And I’m not sure why. But, I never fold laundry straight out of the dryer. Folding laundry never takes as long as I think it will. Plus, if I spend the time talking on the phone with my family or watching something on Netflix, it’s fairly effortless.
So why? Why do I pull my clean clothes out of the dryer and then let them sit? I end up waiting until it drives me so crazy that I have to fold multiple loads of laundry at the same time. It would make a lot more sense to fold them as I go and I’d have a lot less to fold at any given time.
As of the time I’m typing this, I’ve folded all my clean clothes (but I still need to put clean sheets on the bed)!
What household chore do you ignore no matter how easy it is?
This is my third year participating in the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll be sharing brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. I hope you enjoy just a slice of my life as a librarian, book lover, and blogger!

I do the SAME thing as you, and do not have a good answer for why!!
Laura Arnhold
My partner also hates folding clothes, so I can’t even pawn this household chore off on him!
I hear ya! I do the same thing. I have even tried the grateful strategy and gave thanks for the clothes I have while I fold. Still doesn’t always work. Your question is a good one because I feel like there is plenty I want to avoid. I would say… really dusting the blinds. Not hard, but what’s the point? It is so tedious. AND, they are dusty the next day.
Laura Arnhold
I got rid of all the blinds in our house and my partner would prefer we have them, but I also hate dusting them! (Curtains all the way!)
ms. chen
Oh my goodness, I just left laundry on the spare room bed for three days before I finally got to folding it. But what I hate even more is putting it away. When I lived alone I left folded clothes in the laundry basket for longer than I care to admit!
Laura Arnhold
It’s the thought that eventually we’ll use it again, so why not make it easily accessible?
Rita K.
Such a common problem. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Laura Arnhold
It’s all about perspective, isn’t it?
I either leave the laundry unfolded for days OR I fold it all and leave it on the steps leading upstairs for days. I hate folding the laundry, but I hate putting it away even more. Why? I have NO idea!
Laura Arnhold
Growing up, we’d each have a stair and things would accumulate, but no matter how many times my parents asked we would fly up the steps right past the pile of stuff that also needed to go upstairs! I do the same thing now in my own house!
Jen Robinson
For me it’s floors. Can’t stand sweeping, vacuuming, mopping – none of it.