It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 2/8/2021
What I Read
I definitely do as much reading as I have been. It’s surprising how much less time I’ve had because of all the snow we got! I lost track of how many times we shoveled from Sunday – Wednesday. We ended up with about 14 inches of snow and then got another three inches yesterday as well! I’m hoping for a little more energy and reading time this upcoming week!
The One and Only Bob
I finished The One and Only Bob early in the week and really enjoyed this anthropomorphic story from Bob’s perspective. It moved pretty quickly and now I’m going to try to see the movie The One and Only Ivan, I’m curious to see how it is. This was also my last title for my Winter Reading Challenge from Bit About Books!
Ground Zero
I just reviewed this title yesterday, and boy did it pack a punch. Be prepared to ugly cry your way through this title. As I mentioned in my review, I’m curious to hear what kids say about it. Especially because they weren’t alive when 9/11 happened. I’m not sure it’ll have the same effect on them.
Love In English
This was the perfect read for Valentine’s week! I’ll be reviewing this later in the week, so keep your eyes open for the review. If you’re looking for a light read, a contemporary romance in young adult – this was exactly what I needed!
What I’m Planning to Read
Since I ignored my reading plan from last week, I have a few to read now! This week, my goal is to read The Mending Summer by Ali Standish and The Losers at the Center of the Galaxy by Mary Winn Heider. And if I have some time I might try and read Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim. I have the second title as an ARC, but I want to read the first one, so I know what’s happening!
I’m continuing to shout out a different Black creator every day on my Instagram during the month of February. So you’ll definitely want to pop over there and take a look!
It’s Black History Month, are you reading any books by amazing Black creators?

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Check out the hashtag #IMWAYR for reading suggestions from readers across the globe.