World Read Aloud Day
Today marks the 12th annual World Read Aloud Day! LitWorld founded World Read Aloud Day “in celebration of the power of reading aloud to create community, to amplify new stories, and to advocate for literacy as a foundational human right.” I’m definitely behind this movement. And it’s so easy! Read aloud – to your kids, your dog, your partner, your grandma over the phone. It doesn’t matter who, it matters that you do. (And no, I didn’t rhyme on purpose, but I love it too much to change it.)
Benefits of Reading Aloud
There’s a great article on the PBS website about the importance of reading aloud. Personally, what feels better than a little kid snuggled in your lap or by your side when you read aloud? Beyond just the snuggle time, which is, frankly, enough, reading aloud also provides a number of other benefits to kids as well. In the 1985 Becoming a Nation of Readers study, researchers found “the single most important activity for building knowledge for their eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.” That’s it. It’s not flashcards, it’s not sight words, it’s not what age a child learns to read. It is simply reading aloud.
Beyond academic success, children who are regularly read aloud helps to strengthen children’s social, emotional, and character development. Children learn how to express themselves through the books they read and the characters they become familiar with. Being read aloud to also heightens brain function in “visual imagery, story comprehension, and word meaning.” Just seeing these few reasons as to why reading aloud is important, why wouldn’t you?
Don’t forget that you can read over Zoom, or listen to audiobooks, watch online as an author reads their own book, none of it’s “cheating.” Read whatever way works best for you and your family!
And by the way, don’t stop reading to your kids when they start reading on their own! Being read aloud to can last for years to come. My mom read aloud to us every school day through high school during breakfast as we got ready! She read picture books, chapter books – we took turns picking what was next. They’re some of my fondest memories growing up!
World Read Aloud Day
The World Read Aloud Day project is so easy to participate in. LitWorld has created an extensive Activity Hub with virtual read alouds, live events, plus so much more! Check out their book lists, bookmarks, and additional resources from publishers and authors too!
So my charge to each and every one of my readers is to make sure you spend just a little time reading aloud today – pick up a book, the newspaper, a magazine, an article online, or even a cereal box!

One Comment
Pam Arnhold
Loved reading out loud to my children, now my grandchildren and even my university students. It is an unbelievable connection to the story or point you want to make.