Jayla Jumps In

When eleven-year-old Jayla finds out that her mother used to be a Double Dutch champion, she’s stunned. Her mom, who’s on doctor’s orders to lower her blood pressure, could move like that?!? Jayla decides to follow in her mom’s footsteps, thinking that maybe double Dutch can make her stand out in her big, quirky family. As she puts together a team at school and prepares to compete, Jayla finds that Double Dutch is about a lot more than jumping rope—and it just might change her life in ways she never imagined. Full of hilarious family dynamics and plenty of jump rope action, Jayla Jumps In follows one girl’s quest to get her mom healthy and find her place in her community.”
I love the idea of double dutch! I am also extremely uncoordinated and never figured out how to get into the ropes as a kid. One rope – just fine. Add that second rope – I’m a mess! Growing up my siblings and I would jump with one rope chanting all the jump rope rhymes and trying to out-jump each other. So when Joy Jones reached out to me to review her new book, I literally “jumped” at the chance!
I loved this family-focused story about a young girl navigating changes in her family dynamic and trying to do something new while also finding her place at school and in her community.
Jayla faces a number of obstacles as she navigates creating a new club at school. The teacher is less-than-interested. Plus, her favorite uncle is getting married, and her annoying cousin wants to join her double dutch team. At, 11 years old, Jayla is just looking for somewhere to feel like she fits in and is successful at. Along the way she learns a lot more about her family and herself.
I really liked this story and the mother-daughter dynamic. I thought Jayla was a little too negative throughout the story. She was on that verge of tweenager complaining and teen angst. But, I also wonder if that’s me seeing her through an adult lens and not through the eyes of a kid. I’d be curious to know what a middle grade audience thinks. This would be such a great book discussion book to share! You could also show some YouTube videos of some Double Dutch competition. And then maybe even try some Double Dutch in the parking lot – just don’t expect me to be able to teach anyone!
Joy Jones is the founder of the DC Retro Jumpers an exhibition team of adult jumpers who do presentations and programs for kids, teens, and adults. Because honestly who doesn’t want to learn how to jump double dutch?

Need to Know:
Title: Jayla Jumps In
Author: Joy Jones
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Co.
Publication Date: September 1, 2020
Page Number: 208 pgs.