
National Author’s Day

It’s National Author’s Day and the first day of National Novel Writing Month! Double whammy! Wondering how you can celebrate this year?

The best way to celebrate National Author’s Day is to support your favorite authors by purchasing their books. Like many other businesses this year, authors have been financially affected due to the global pandemic. And if you can stop by your local indie, that’s even better! If you don’t have an independent bookstore near you or they’re closed on Sundays, check out bookshop.org which supports stores across the U.S. And if you use the affiliate link, I’ll receive a small commission for more book-buying of my own!

If you’re unable or want to do more – reach out to your favorite authors on social media! I haven’t interacted with adult authors much, but children’s and YA authors are often super accessible on social media and love to interact with readers.

National Author's Day

Another way to support authors is to write reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Writing reviews helps give books and authors gain greater visibility which introduces books to more readers.

The last way to celebrate is to become an author yourself! It’s the first day of National Novel Writing Month. There are great resources and community support the whole month. Plus, they also have a young writer’s group as well that kids can join!

I might take my Top Ten Tuesday: Author Questions post and ask some of my favorite authors some questions! Whatever way you choose to celebrate National Author’s Day, show authors some love!

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