#MGBooktober 2020
#MGBooktober is the brainchild of the MG Book Village team and author Annaliese Avery and is now in its fourth year! There’s a new prompt every day for #MGBooktober 2020. Some are really easy and others get me thinking. Prompts like “Book that challenged your thinking” or “Book that got you out of a reading slump.” I love the challenge of finding a great book to share! It’s fun to look back at my reading list and pick out a great choice for the day. And it’s a great way to connect with other book-loving people around the world.

To follow and participate, you can search for the hashtag #MGBooktober on Twitter and Instagram. There you’ll find all the middle grade book love! Plus, I love to see author reactions to having their books shared in such a fun way!
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see what I’m sharing today for – What book do you love to recommend or gift to others? What would you suggest?