Storytime Theme: Bats
Continuing our fall storytime themes this month, today we’re highlighting Bats! Can you believe that in all the years I did storytime, I never did a storytime theme on bats? It’s probably because they’re not my favorite animal, I mean I love that they eat bugs, but they are definitely a little scary to m. Most likely because we lived in an old Victorian house growing up and often enough we’d wake up in the middle of the night to a bat flying around our bedroom!
Far be it from me to instill my fear of an animal on small children, so instead we’re going to celebrate bats with this great fall storytime theme!

Fall Storytime Theme: Bats Book List
- Animals Upside Down by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page
- National Geographic Kids: Bats by Elizabeth Carney
- Bats by Kate Riggs
- Bats at the Library by Brian Lies
- Hello, Bumblebee Bat by Darrin Lunde, illustrated by Patricia J. Wynne
- I Am Bat by Morag Hood
- I’m the Scariest Thing in the Castle by Kevin Sherry
- Superbat by Matt Carr
- Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats by Ann Earle, illustrated by Henry Cole
Other fall storytime themes include spiders and squirrels!
- Flap Little Bats – Miss Katie’s Story Time
- Five Little Bats – Esther’s Story Time
- Flutter, Flutter Little Bat – Storytime Katie