Home Improvements Continued
We’ve lived in our current home for about 6.5 years and one of the best parts about the house is the yard. We live on a corner lot with a HUGE side yard. Our lot is just over a quarter of an acre and it’s so nice. When we moved in, a (very) small section of the backyard was fenced in with a chain link fence – a perfect place for a dog to be able to go outside. The previous owners had a small dog or two, so they didn’t feel the need to fence in the larger property. Finally, after 6.5 years, we have a fenced-in yard that our pup can run in! It got installed on Friday and the guys were so quick!

We fenced in from the front of the house, basically to the sidewalk on the side street and along the back of our property line. And we were also able to enclose the patio too. We’re hoping that next spring, we’ll be able to add a deck (right where the stairs are). Finally, we’ll have an amazing backyard to hang out in.

Aria’s Opinion
Our dog, Aria? She’s loving it! There’s so much space to explore and smell. We’ve been taking her out and playing fetch with her. And it’s awesome because the old fence only allowed her to run about 10-15 feet before she had to stop. Now she’s got space to actually pick up speed and zoom around the yard. I’m pretty sure her tail hasn’t stopped wagging every time she goes outside.
I was honestly a little worried that we’d look a little too much like a fortress by putting up this huge fence. We chose a six-foot privacy fence for Aria. We knew we didn’t want to be the neighbors with the dog running along the fence barking at people. But, we did put up a four-foot run along the back. We have great neighbors who have a lovely yard and we wanted to maintain that relationship. It also helped to keep it from feeling too closed in.
Want to check out my other home improvements? Here are my new kitchen appliances and a bedroom remodel!