Bookroo Curated Book Lists
Did you get a chance to check out Bookroo’s new Book Platform? As an ambassador, I’m super excited to share all the great ways you can use this amazing tool with your family! Before you read any further, sign up today using my link and you’ll be able to check out my reading lists and other Bookroo curated book lists too! Plus, if you sign up for free today you’ll get a chance for some great extras before the launch in a few weeks.
Today (July 21), my booklist – Wordless Picture Books is being highlighted on Bookroo’s front page! I’ve been passionate about wordless picture books for a long time because I love how versatile they can be.
If you’re not familiar with wordless picture books or are unsure of how to “read” them, let me offer a little information and a few suggestions!

What is a wordless picture book?
Wordless picture books are just that – picture books without any (or very few) words. These books use illustrations to tell the story. They can be about any topic and can be used for a wide range of age levels.
How do you “read” a wordless book?
There’s no right or wrong way to use these great books. As an adult, if you just scan the illustrations and tell a story that works! However, if you have a very interactive child ask them to share what they think is happening. If you’re somewhere in between, ask a few pointed questions to get the story started!
Use the illustrations! Talk about the emotions of the characters, what types of tricks do illustrators use to share emotion? Take a look at the setting and use it to describe the story in greater detail. Or make up a new story about a smaller character in the book.
In addition, I love that these can be used for pre-readers – kids who aren’t quite ready to read words in books, but may have a few books memorized or are just itching to be readers too!
Wordless picture books can be read over and over again and be different every time! For more great information about reading wordless picture books, check out these tips from Reading Rockets!
And don’t forget to create your family reader profiles today!

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