18 More Books for Babies & Toddlers: Social Justice, Equality and Diversity
My 36 Titles for Babies & Toddlers: Social Justice, Equality, and Diversity has been extremely popular in recent weeks. If you can believe it, this list has been viewed almost 200 times a day for the past week! There have been more and more calls to action to create diverse reading experiences for kids. And what better place to start than this list? This is a perfect place to start creating an inclusive home library for the youngest of readers.
Although the list still holds up today, it’s been a year and a half since I created it. Because of this, I thought now would be a good time to provide some additional titles to create a Social Justice library for your littlest one at home! Or, if you’re looking for a book for a baby shower, check out some of these beautiful titles for something a little different from the classic Goodnight Moon.
As a result, here are 18 additional diverse board books to share with your baby! Create a well-balanced book list or library by including different cultural, religious, genders, languages, and races in your book selections.

18 More Books for Babies & Toddlers: Social Justice, Equality and Diversity
- Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi, illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky
- Baby Goes to Market by Atinuke, illustrated by Angela Brooksbank
- Baby Loves: A First Book of Favorites by Abrams Appleseed
- Besos for Baby: A Little Book of Kisses by Jen Arena, illustrated by Blanca Gomez
- Dim Sum for Everyone! by Grace Lin
- Feminist Baby by Loryn Brantz
- Future Engineer by Lori Alexander, illustrated by Allison Black
- Global Babies: Bedtime by Global Fund for Children, illustrated by Maya Ajmera
- Hats of Faith by Medeia Cohan, illustrated by Sarah Walsh
- Holi Colors by Rina Singh
- Little You by Richard Van Camp, illustrated by Julie Flett
- Love Makes a Family by Sophie Beer
- My First Jewish Baby Book: An ABC of Jewish Holidays, Food, Rituals and Other Fun Stuff by Julie Katz
- Ramadan by Hannah Eliot, illustrated by Rashin Kheiriyeh
- Sweetest Kulu by Celina Kalluk, illustrated by Alexandria Neonakis
- The Skin You Live In by Michael Tyler, illustrated by David Lee Csicsko
- This Little Trailblazer: A Girl Power Primer by Joan Holub, illustrated by Daniel Roode
- Thread of Love by Kabir Sehgal and Zara Gonzalez Hoang, illustrated by Surishtha Sehgal
