What My Blogging Workspace Looks Like
One of my favorite parts of learning about authors and illustrators is finding out what their workspace looks like. Are they neat and meticulous? Or do they have clutter around their space? Do they work from home, in a coffee shop, or in a shared working environment?
For a long time, I used to blog from my couch or comfy chair in my living room. But, I have learned that if I’m sitting in my office, I tend to be more focused. I live in a split level, so our top floor is the largest bedroom and has a slanted ceiling (and very tiny closet as a thruway to the attic). My partner works from home as a freelance editorial photojournalist, so we decided to make this cozy room a combined office (as long as he promised to help me install floor-to-ceiling bookshelves on the one wall). So today, I’m sharing my blogging workspace with you!

We actually did build this amazing bookshelf (a Pinterest success!). And it’s probably one of the most amazing projects we’ve ever done together! I thought this shelving would be large enough for my personal collection (it definitely isn’t!). Plus, I love having little knickknacks spread throughout the books that are important to both of us.

Blogging Workspace
I love my little corner of the office! I feel so cozy being surrounded by books! And it makes a perfect backdrop for Zoom meetings for work right now. The books on the shelving behind my chair are all my picture books on the bottom row as these often get looted by niece and nephew when they come to visit. The next two shelves are mainly ARCs that I need to read, (so many books!). there are also a few library books that I’m using for programming right now. And then above that are half books on my TBR and half well-loved titles that will stay on my shelves for awhile.

My Desk
donee to keep myClutter is the bane of my existence when it comes to my work surface. First up is my current TBR pile on the left. I have a lot on my reading list this week! On my lamp, is an adorable glass blown octopus that I was given as a gift. What I love about my pencil cup is that I’m beginning to cover it in pins that I’ve received over the years – mainly about library and book-related things, but others that I just loved and had to have.

On the other side of my monitor is my very own dot from Peter H. Reynolds (check out how I got it)! Plus, there’s usually a half-filled glass of tea or water on my desk depending on the time of day. My mom finds the cutest notebooks and planners, so I always have them close at hand for when I’m inspired! And finally, I bought one of those adorable rolling carts. It can be used in so many ways and is perfect for storage space!
I now spend the majority of my day in this little oasis working from home and working on my blog. Thankfully over the past few years, I’ve really been able to curate a perfect space that makes me feel relaxed, creative, inspired, and comfortable! What kind of space do you work in?

Becky Ginther
I love that bookshelf so much!
Laura Arnhold
My favorite part is the bumper sticker I picked up from Parnassus Books!
Jenna @ Falling Letters
I love seeing the different piles of books bloggers/librarians have. Not everyone understands why I have five different stacks of books around my apartment
I have been thinking of getting one of those carts myself, haha… they look so handy!
Laura Arnhold
They are so handy!!!! I love mine and they have some really fun colors too! I’ve seen them on other store websites too!