Slice of Life Day 24: Jigsaw Puzzle to the Rescue
I’ve finally found something that gets my mind off of COVID-19 even for just a few minutes – a jigsaw puzzle! I loved doing puzzles as kid, but rarely do them now as an adult. And every time I open one up, I realize again how much fun it is. My mom found this puzzle while we were down the shore a few summers ago. And later gifted it to me for Christmas. I forgot about it for a bit and when I came across it cleaning a few weeks ago, I knew it would come in handy.

This weekend I busted it out. After putting together the edges, I opened up my dining room table to include both leaves (it’s a small table). And now I’ve got a 1,000 piece puzzle to tackle. And not only that, this one has really weird pieces that don’t look like the typical pieces you’re used to.
As I walk past the table, it catches my attention and then I get sucked in for 5-10 minutes looking for just one more piece. My partner even sat down for a bit yesterday to pull a few pieces together too. It’s a great way to focus on something other than the coronavirus and de-stress too! Plus, if you want to, you could listen to an audiobook at the same time – a little reading and hobby time together!

There’s something so exciting about finding pieces that work together, sometimes when you least expect it! Because this puzzle is somewhat abstract, I think it’s going to be a challenge to put it together.
What ways are you finding to de-stress and focus on some me-time right now?

This is my second year participating in the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!

We’re doing a puzzle too. There’s something comforting in knowing that there will be a solution, despite the challenges.
Laura Arnhold
It really is comforting! I’m hoping not to drop any pieces for my pup to play with!
Sharon Gubser
We have been busting out the jigsaw puzzles too! You really get sucked in – just one more piece!
Laura Arnhold
I love how a jigsaw puzzle can pull everyone together!
I busted out a jigsaw puzzle I ordered in the summer. It’s been in the box in the closet. My extra bedroom is now my office, my living room is a work-free zone (personal writing and reading only), I needed to leave my coffee table puzzle-free, so I turned my dining room table into the jigsaw puzzle table. I love having it there in those moments I can’t think of doing anything else. I used to do them as a kid, but haven’t done one as an adult. It’s such a great pastime. In fact, I think I’m going to try a few pieces now. It makes me wonder if anyone doesn’t do the edges first?
Laura Arnhold
I was just thinking the same thing! I’ve always done the edges first, but maybe there’s another way to go about doing a puzzle?
I have been looking for a puzzle to purchase- I think yours looks like one I’d want to keep around. This line, “There’s something so exciting about finding pieces that work together, sometimes when you least expect it!” captures my sentiments toward puzzling so well. Thank you for your slice!
Laura Arnhold
I’m hoping to mod podge it when I’m finished and frame it for my work office (all book inspired art!)