Slice of Life Day 14: Weekend Plans
I spent the better part of last week cleaning up the house in preparation for my brother’s family to come visit this week. With our county on (basically) lockdown and non-essential travel not recommended, they decided to stay home. As for me, I’ve got a whole weekend ahead of me with not too much to do!
I’m going to try and stop at a grocery store this morning just to get my regular shopping done. Unfortunately, I tried to go last night and the store was empty! It was so weird to see shelf after shelf just completely emptied of all food. I want to try and pick up a few more things if I don’t get them, we’ll figure something else out. It’ll be like the TV show Chopped where you see what you can make with the ingredients you’re given. Just with my pantry instead of a picnic basket.
I do have to stop at the library today and tomorrow to feed our turtle and clear out the book drop. Otherwise, I’m going to take this time to work on my blog and get some much-needed reading and relaxation done. There are a few projects I’ve been meaning to put some time into for the blog – updating some keywords, cleaning up some images, etc. Plus, I’ve still got a bunch of classes from Creative Live that I still want to learn about! And, I’ve got at least 3-4 books to read for this week still and two full shelves of ARCs that are ready and waiting for me!
It’s a really strange feeling not to have any plans and also be discouraged from going out and doing anything. After the craziness of the past week, I’m going to enjoy these next two days! Stay safe and wash your hands!

This is my second year participating in the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!

Jen Robinson
Turns out you are doing your Slice of Life posts during a historic time. I think these will be interesting for you to look back on. Enjoy your weekend! I was supposed to have a reading weekend myself this weekend, but my family’s father-daughter camping trip was canceled. But of course things could be worse :-).
Laura Arnhold
Were you able to make it a family reading weekend instead?
Betsy Hubbard
It’s certainly a strange time. I haven’t been out to see, in person, the empty shelves. We are waiting over here for a little bit before heading back into the wild. We may end up living the chopped life as well!
Laura Arnhold
I thought I had potatoes for my St. Patrick’s Day meal tomorrow and alas they went bad, so I’m off to grab a few things. Hopefully, having planned meals far enough in advance I won’t have to go again for awhile!