Slice of Life Day 13: Glimpse of Normalcy
It’s amazing what can change in just 12 hours. Yesterday, I posted about “The Unknown” dealing with the COVID-19 virus. Even as information is constantly being updated and decisions are being made hourly and daily. Plus, trying to alleviate the anxiety of my staff and the public by keeping them informed as much as possible.
Mitigation Guidance
Yesterday afternoon, Governor Wolf held a press conference where he provided mitigation guidance to my county in Pennsylvania. For the next two weeks all schools, state-licensed childcare centers, AMTRAK is reducing their schedule, and no visitors are allowed into correctional facilities and nursing homes. Beyond that, he also strongly encourages community centers, gyms, and entertainment venues to close as well. He’s also discouraging non-essential travel.
The governor’s hope is to prevent the spread of the virus and to “flatten the curve”. Yesterday afternoon was dealing with a lot of questions about how we close the library for two weeks. What do we about materials that are due, people checking things out, and contacting all of our presenters and registered patrons for programs? Plus, I had to talk with my brother’s family and let them know that traveling across the state to visit for the weekend is probably not the best idea. So rather than taking today off to spend time with my family, I’ll be working to figure out what we’re doing.
But, last night a close friend reached out and asked us over for dinner. Just a quick dinner of cheeseburgers and hot dogs. And although we talked about the coronavirus and what it meant of all of us, it was so nice just to hang out with friends without having to make a single decision except what condiments to put on my hot dog.

This is my second year participating in the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!