
Slice of Life Day 10: Dinner?

Do you ever have those days when it’s just one thing after another? Hard decisions to make? meetings to be had? Yesterday was one of those days! I spent 12 hours at work with my regular workday extended with two extra meetings tacked on to the end of it. So when I got home at 8:30 pm last night I was so hungry and so very tired. What’s a girl to do?

Normally, I’d pour a bowl a cereal an plop down in front of the TV for a little bit before crashing into bed. But of course, it’s trash day today and not having been home except for lunch, I had to gather up all the trash, drag the trash cans to the curb, and think about dinner. I needed more substance than just a bowl of sugary cereal. And without many leftovers in the fridge, I didn’t have a lot of options.

Luckily, I found some only partially freezer burnt ravioli tucked in the back of the freezer and a jar of tomato sauce in the pantry. And so, after 9 pm last night I had a massive bowl of ravioli for dinner. I’ll be honest, it wasn’t that tasty, but it filled me up enough to get me to bed and get me moving this morning. Now, it’s off to work to make more coronavirus decisions… Stay healthy everyone!

slice of life

This is my second year participating in the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!


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