Slice of Life: Yoga Journey
As I spent an afternoon mindlessly scrolling through Twitter before the New Year, I stumbled upon a 30-Day Yoga Journey. Adriene offered a yoga practice for 30 days in a row to start off the new year. I signed up on a whim and thought it would be something fun to try. I didn’t really think about how much time it would take or for the fact that I would be doing yoga every single day for an entire month. So here’s where I am halfway through in my Slice of Life: Yoga Journey.

What I didn’t expect now that we’re 15 days in, is that I look forward to the yoga practice every day. I like spending 20-30 minutes every day just focusing on myself and my body. Meditation and mindfulness always seemed so difficult to me, but with each day, I’m realizing that it helps me start my day on the right foot. I love focusing on stretching my muscles each and every day, working hard and yet feeling more relaxed than ever.

Yoga with Adriene has close to 6 million subscribers on YouTube. She has posted hundreds of yoga videos for almost any type of person, feeling, and need. What I love about Adriene is that she doesn’t take herself too seriously. While at the same time, she really helps you work through the practice offering adjustments for almost every pose. Her dog, Benji, is probably the cutest and calmest pup out there and is perfectly relaxed during the practice.

If you’re looking to try something new, I’d strongly suggest taking a look at some of Adriene’s yoga videos. I’m not the type of person who enjoys working out, I do it more because I know it’s good for me. But, two weeks in and I’m loving it!
Check out my resolutions for 2020, where I mentioned my yoga journey two weeks ago!

Jenna @ Falling Letters
I finally started doing yoga last year after wanting to try it for ages. It really does make a difference, hey! My hairdresser also recommended Adrienne’s channel…I will have to check it out.