2020 Debut Picture Book Authors & Illustrators
Part of what I love doing by having a platform that reaches beyond my immediate family and friends is promoting books, creators, and publishers! And what’s more exciting than promoting debut authors and illustrators? Don’t get me wrong, I love it when a creator produces their second, third, etc. novels. But, there’s something so exciting about an author or illustrator getting to take the publishing journey for the first time!
If you want to follow debut picture authors and illustrators, check out the Soaring ’20s High Flying Picture Book Debut website. It’s not only got great author bios, info about new books, but also a number of resources for aspiring picture book authors and illustrators.
I’ve tried to provide as much information as I could find about these upcoming books! Some covers haven’t been released yet, while others don’t have set publication dates. This information can change multiple times before a book gets to the shelf, so keep an eye on the publishers’ websites for the most current information about these debut titles!

First Half of 2020
- Muslim Girls Rise: Inspirational Champions of Our Time by Saira Mir, illustrated by Aaliya Jaleel (Originally planned to be published in 2020, was published early on October 29, 2019)
- The Blunders: A Counting Catastrophe! by Christina Soontornvat, illustrated by Colin Jack (Release Date: February 11)
- I’m Gonna Push Through! by Jasmyn Wright, illustrated by Shannon Wright (Release Date: February 18)
- Wood, Wire, Wings: Emma Lilian Todd Invents an Airplane by Kirsten W. Larson, illustrated by Tracy Subisak (Release Date: February 25)
- The Voice That Won the Vote: How One Woman’s Words Made History
by Elisa Boxer, illustrated by Vivien Mildenberger (Release Date: March 15) - The Elephants’ Guide to Hide-And-Seek by Kjersten Hayes, illustrated by Gladys Jose (Release Date: April 1)
- Too Sticky!: Sensory Issues with Autism by Jen Malia, illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff (Release Date: April 1)
- How Long Is Forever? by Kelly Carey, illustrated by Qing Zhuang (Release Date: April 7)
- Clyde Goes to School by Keith Marantz, illustrated by Larissa Marantz (Release Date: April 14)
- Clyde Likes to Slide by Keith Marantz, illustrated by Larissa Marantz (Release Date: April 14)
- Rescuing the Declaration of Independence: How We Almost Lost the Words That Built America by Anna Crowley Redding, illustrated by Edwin Fotheringham (Release Date: April 14)
- Wherever I Go by Mary Wagley Copp, illustrated by Munir Mohammed (Release Date: April 21)
- Chicken Little: The Real and Totally True Tale by Sam Wedelich (Release Date: May 5)
- Invent-A-Pet by Vicky Fang, illustrated by Tidawan Thaipinnarong (Release Date: May 5)
Second Half of 2020
- Simon at the Art Museum by Christina Soontornvat, illustrated by Christine Davenier (Release Date: June 9)
- Seven Golden Rings: A Tale of Music and Math by Rajani LaRocca, illustrated by Archana Sreenivasan (Release Date: July 14)
- Soaked! by Abi Cushman (Release Date: July 14)
- Dozens of Doughnuts by Carrie Finison, illustrated by Brianne Farley (Release Date: July 21)
- A Place Inside of Me: A Poem to Heal the Heart by Zetta Elliott, illustrated by Noa Denmon (Release Date: July 21)
- No Fuzzball! by Isabella Kung (Release Date: August 4)
- Saturdays Are For Stella by Candy Wellins, illustrated by Charlie Eve Ryan (Release Date: August 11)
- Clarinet and Trumpet by Melanie Ellsworth, illustrated by John Herzog (Release Date: August 25)
- Louis by Tom Lichtenheld, illustrated by Julie Rowan-Zoch (Release Date: October 6)
Additional Titles Being Published in 2020
- The Electric Slide and Kai by Kelly J. Baptist
- Kid Coach by Rob Justus
- No Voice Too Small: Fourteen Young Americans Making History co-edited by Lindsay H. Metcalf, Keila V. Dawson, and Jeanette Bradley, illustrated by Jeanette Bradley
- Beatrix Potter, Scientist by Lindsay H. Metcalf, illustrated by Junyi Wu (Release Date: September 2020)
- Digging For Words: José Alberto Gutiérrez and the Library He Built by Paola Escobar, illustrated by Angela Burke Kunkel
- Farmers Unite! Planting a Protest for Fair Prices by Lindsay H. Metcalf
- I Am a Bird by Hope Lim, illustrated by Hyewon Yum
- LillyBelle: A Damsel Not In Distress by Joana Pastro, illustrated by Jhon Ortiz
- The Ramble Shamble Children by Christina Soontornvat, illustrated by Lauren Castillo

Thanks for this great list of new titles to explore! How do you select the authors/books?
Is there somewhere that new PB authors could submit ARCs for consideration?