6 Picture Books for Hanukkah
Tonight is the third night of Hanukkah and I wanted to make sure I shared 6 Picture Books for Hanukkah – some newer titles about this Festival of Lights. I’ll be honest when I say because of where I grew up, I know very little about the Jewish faith. But, after moving to a more diverse area, I’ve since worked with and have friends that are Jewish. Hanukkah isn’t one of the larger celebrations in this faith, but because it falls near Christmas, I think it has become more popular in mainstream culture.

6 Picture Books for Hanukkah
- All-of-a-Kind Family Hanukkah by Emily Jenkins
- A Hat for Mrs. Goldman: A Story About Knitting and Love by Michelle Edwards
- Honeyky Hanukah by Woody Guthrie
- Meet the Latkes by Alan Silberberg
- The Story of Hanukkah by David A. Adler
- Zigazak!: A Magical Hanukkah Night by Eric A. Kimmel
For more titles, check out my 10 Read Aloud Hanukkah titles from a few years ago and for even more suggestions check out PJ Library!

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