Odd Dog Out
“It’s a dog’s life in the big, busy city, but there’s one lonely pup who doesn’t quite fit in. She behaves differently from the rest, sports rainbow in a sea of gray, and marches to the beat of her own drum.
She’s one Odd Dog.
Join Odd Dog as she journeys to the other side of the world to find her place in it, only for her to discover that maybe she’s meant to be right where she started.”

“Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?” A quote from the 2003 movie What a Girl Wants with Amanda Bynes works so well for this little dog. Odd Dog doesn’t look or act like anyone else where she currently lives, so she goes on an adventure to find the place where she fits in. Rob Biddulph takes the idea of being yourself one step further and rather than finding a place to fit in, Odd Dog realizes that it’s okay to stand out and be yourself anywhere you want.
The bright colors, patterns, and lines all strengthen the message that no matter where you are in the world, to stand tall and proud of who you are. I immediately thought about pairing this book with Peter Brown’s Mr. Tiger Goes Wild for the perfect storytime about being yourself.
My Take:
I couldn’t help but smile as soon as I saw the page filled with stretched out weiner dogs! How could you now? Plus, with rhyming text and really bright, graphically designed illustrations this is a fun read with a wonderful message of standing up for yourself as an individual. I can see my nephew and I giggling our way through this story as we find Odd Dog in all the great double-page spreads. I’d also love to share this book with him because he’s a redhead who hates the attention his hair brings. This is the perfect story for us to share together!
For a storytime theme about the same topic from a few years ago, check out “I Like Me!” And don’t miss the great activity sheet created especially for this book!
Need to Know:
Title: Odd Dog Out
Author: Rob Biddulph
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication Date: December 3, 2019
Page Number: 32 pgs.

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