Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’d Give Different Titles To
This was so hard! So rather than try to find ten titles, I went the easy route and re-named all the Harry Potter books. Am I arguing that J.K. Rowling misnamed her novels? Heck no. I just thought it would be a fun exercise with a series of books that I love. I can’t take all the credit, my partner helped me out on a few of these too!
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone or
Harry Potter’s Family History - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets or
Harry Potter and the Alarming Lack of School Safety - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban or
Harry Potter Sneaks Out Like the Rebel Teenager He Is - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or
Harry Potter Gets Dark or Re-read This One Before Handing It to an 8-Year-Old - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix or
Harry Potter Tells It Like It Is - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince or
Harry Potter and the Great Debate Over One Character’s True Nature - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows or
Harry Potter and the Extremely Long Camping Trip

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.