Blogging Retreat Follow-Up
I had such a great week on vacation! Overall, I learned that I could probably be a hermit pretty easily. I spent a week dogsitting, reading, and working on my blog and honestly, I thought I’d get bored. And I definitely did not! In fact, I could have probably spent a few more days in Florida and been perfectly happy! I wanted to share the follow-up to my blogging retreat and if you didn’t get a chance, check out my update!
I didn’t get as much done on my blog as I had wanted to, but I made some progress. There were a few things that have been sitting on my to-do list for a really long time that I was finally able tackled.
About Me
If you get the chance today, check out my work-in-progress About Me page. I finally started revamping the content and I’m really happy with how it looks right now. There are a few more things I’d like to integrate into the page, but for now, it looks much better than it did before.

Storytime Themes
I also updated a lot my menu pages including all of storytime themes. First, I combined all three pages (storytimes, yoga, and sensory-friendly) into one comprehensive list of storytime themes (and theme-less) programs. I went through all the posts on my blog to ensure they’re all listed on the menu page. My storytime themes are still some of my most popular content, so I’m glad I found time to work on them.
The other part of the blog I updated were all my booklist menus. I’ve created so many themed booklists for holidays, awareness months, and just general themes. But they’re not helpful unless they’re easily accessible to my readers.
I’m also working my way through old posts, updating graphics, making sure they have SEO that’s functional, and in general just trying to clean things up. Looking at this blogging retreat follow-up, I’m happy with all the work I was able to accomplish!

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