Blogging Retreat Update
I don’t normally take a vacation where I actually relax. I’m usually spending time with family, which I absolutely love, but it’s not necessarily relaxing, especially now that my niece and nephew are two and four years old – so much fun and so tiring! Or, I’m spending my vacation traveling to locations where I want to see as much as I can, walking miles a day to see what I can in the short time I have. I’m spending this week relaxing and working on my blog. Here’s my blogging retreat update so far!

This week, I’m on vacation while housesitting and dogsitting for my aunt and uncle. It’s amazing to have time to read and work on Literacious without feeling guilty. At home, there’s always housework that needs to be done. While also trying to squeeze in time after working a full-time job, spending time with my own family, and our friends.
This week, I’ve already read a ton of books, with no end in sight. Plus. I’ve gotten time to spend updating posts and pages on my blog that I don’t normally have time to work on. Check out my newly updated about me page or my storytime themes page as well as my updates to Storytime Themes:

I’ve got a few more things on my to-do list that I’d like to work on before I finish up my vacation. But even if I don’t, I’m so happy with how much I’ve gotten done already. Next week, I plan on posting another Blogging Retreat Update once my vacation is over. But, with a view like this, can you really get that upset about not being overly-productive? I could definitely get used to this view!

Jen Robinson
That sounds (and looks) really nice. Glad you are enjoying it!