4 Picture Books About Cooking
I love to cook! I’m constantly looking for new recipes to try and meals to make. And I think a lot of it stems from my childhood – my parents encouraged (and required) all of us to pitch in with chores around the house and especially in the kitchen. With six people in the household, there was always someone who was hungry and dishes to wash! Check out these 4 Picture Books About Cooking to inspire you and your little one to get into the kitchen together!
My parents who grew up in the time of meat, potatoes, and vegetables encouraged us to try new food. The rule at the dinner table was “You don’t have to like it, but you have to try it.” And living in a small town meant that there weren’t too many places to go out to eat so we cooked a lot at home. One summer while watching the Men’s World Cup matches, we tried new recipes from around the world. For birthdays, we got to choose the menu for dinner. And now, all four of us kids all can cook fairly well! And when we get together as a family, we spend a lot of time in the kitchen together.
I challenge you to get your little one in the kitchen, talk to them about different types of food, give them veggies to try as you cut them up for dinner, and have them help you! Does it take a lot longer? Yes. Does it take a little patience? Yes. But, it’s so worth it! Enjoy these 4 picture books about cooking!

- Bee-bim Bop! by Linda Sue Park
- The Cazuela the Farm Maiden Stirred by Samantha R. Vamos
- Hot, Hot Roti for Dada-ji by F. Zia
- No More Beige Food by Leanne Shirtliffe
